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Expedition Planning

School expeditions on the Bibbulmun Track range from 2-8 days with the majority being two or three days. The resources on this page will assist you with your planning.  Please use the group campsites where available (currently at Mt Cooke, near Monadnocks and in the Wellington District.)

The first page to read through is the Group Notification which must be submitted prior to any group expedition. This information will help you get started with your planning and also includes:

  • General regulations applying to Parks and Wildlife lands.
  • Parks and Wildlife contact details.

Sign up to our Outdoor Education expedition planning newsletter, Making Tracks.

Getting Started

(Click to download documents or to go to relevant pages)

Getting into Gear

Before you go

On Track



WACE – Endorsed program

Students complete their end-to-end journey at the Southern Terminus in Albany.
Students complete their end-to-end journey at the Southern Terminus in Albany.

Some schools undertake seven or eight day expeditions once or twice each year enabling students to complete an end-to-end over a period of years.  This program contributes 10 points towards the WA Certificate of Education (WACE).

View the full outline on the Endorsed Program page.

View the endorsed programs on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website.