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About The Foundation

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation is an incorporated, not-for-profit organisation established to provide support for the management, maintenance and marketing of the Bibbulmun Track.

Whilst the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attraction’s Parks and Wildlife Service, acts as Manager of the Track, the Bibbulmun Track Foundation is recognised as the primary focal point for community-based support and involvement, and has primary responsibility for promoting the Track to potential walkers and maintaining the Track through the Newmont Boddington Gold Eyes on the Ground volunteer maintenance program.

The relationship and key roles of the Foundation and the Parks and Wildlife Service are outlined in a Memorandum of Understanding.


The Bibbulmun Track Foundation is a vibrant, soundly managed and economically stable organisation which utilises a strong community base to provide essential support for the ongoing management, maintenance and marketing of the Bibbulmun Track.


To support the management of the Bibbulmun Track so that it remains a sustainable long distance walk trail of international significance and quality through:

  1. Community participation contributing to physical and social well-being
  2. Development of opportunities for tourism, employment and education
  3. Protection of the natural, cultural and heritage values of the Track
  4. Attraction of funds and other resources and
  5. Being an advocate for the Track in relation to the formulation and implementation of relevant government economic, social and environmental policy.

BTF Strategic Priorities

Download the strategic priorities of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation.

Our vision for the Track

Download our vision for the Track.