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Zara White: Youngest recorded Solo End-to-Ender of the Bibbulmun Track


Last Wednesday, on March 27, 2024, Zara White was presented with her end-to-end certificate and badge for completing her journey at Presbyterian Ladies’ College. 

Zara, a seventeen-year-old student from Peppermint Grove School, has made history as the youngest person recorded to ever complete WA’s challenging Bibbulmun Track solo.

The Year 11 student took just 54 days to complete the 1000-kilometer walk from Kalamunda to Albany – leaving on October 2 and arriving in Albany on November 24.You can find more details about Zara’s journey here.

During her adventure, Zara also seized the opportunity to raise funds to support the Bibbulmun Track Foundation during its 25th Anniversary year. As of now, her efforts have resulted in raising more than $15,000. The fundraising page will remain open for a few more weeks, so if you’d like to contribute, there’s still time:

Once again, we congratulate Zara White for achieving this significant milestone and thank for her efforts in fundraising for the Bibbulmun Track.