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Welcome to our new sponsor – Small Things Wine

We are delighted to welcome Small Things Wine as a Sponsor.  Hailing from Margaret River in Western Australia, Small Things Wine produce handcrafted vegan-friendly premium wines packaged in aluminium cans.  Perfect for that overnight hike!

The sustainable 250ml cans play a significant role in reducing energy and transportation costs with a significantly higher recyclability potential. Cans are infinitely recyclable, use less energy to manufacture, chill and transport.

Small Things Wines produces premium wines from the prestigious Margaret River region that are grown in sustainably accredited vineyards and made using sustainable winery practices in their sustainable accredited winery.

Founder and chief winemaker, Ian Batt, said it was his experience travelling the world, filming a documentary about the revolution of Australian wine, Chateau Chunder, when he first pondered wine and cans.

“I started wondering why you never saw high quality wine in cans. The more I researched it, the more reasons I found to do it. It’s much more environmental than glass; it’s easier to recycle, and significantly reduces carbon emissions.”

Their wave logo acts as a gentle reminder to consumers of what they are protecting when they make sustainable choices.

“I made sure we considered the ocean as part of our brand. It reminds me of our place; where we’ve come from and how we need to make sure to look after it,” Ian says.

With cans often associated with low quality wine, Ian has had his work cut out for him. The response so far has been overwhelmingly positive, with environmentally conscious markets like Sweden drinking it by the pallet.

“Our philosophy is to under promise and over deliver. We have a responsibility to carry the mantle for alternative sustainable packaging in wine, so when someone decides to have a can of our wine it must be good.”

To achieve this, Ian works closely with Sustainable Winegrowing Australia certified growers to source his fruit.

These grapes lower the brand’s environmental impact, with the additional benefit of producing wines that are exceptionally expressive of the natural landscape. Ian even admits he doesn’t have to work very hard to get it right in the winery.

For Ian it’s all about giving back. Where each can of his wine captures a piece of the region, it also preserves its longevity.

“While it’s still immaculate, I feel we had the best of Margs when we were kids. It’s taught me that if we don’t think about the future, we will jeopardise it for the next generation.”  

Check out their range at smallthingswine.com