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Welcome to our new Gold Sponsor

SUEZ makes the best use of water and waste by providing smart and reliable resource management solutions. The local team provides solutions that supply seven million Australians with safe drinking water and diverts 1.2 million tonnes of waste from landfill every year.

Our association with the company harks back to 2011 when a landfill facility was proposed near the Track. The Foundation’s concerns around visual and noise impacts for walkers were taken into consideration and SUEZ established screening and other initiatives to ensure that the operation has had minimal impact on walkers.

WA State Infrastructure Manager, Craig Barker, said “SUEZ takes its role as a responsible neighbour very seriously and it’s great to hear none of your walkers have raised any concerns about our operations. We intend keeping it that way.

We have a great team of operators and a substantial investment in equipment on site which can contribute to track maintenance and we look forward to working with the Foundation to ensure there continues to be minimal impact to the Track and its users.”

The Foundation looks forward to establishing a positive partnership with SUEZ over the next three years.