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Walking over the School Holidays?

If you are planning a walk over the holidays, in addition to your usual planning, take five to read ten things you need to know:

  1. Check which sections have any closures or diversions. Prescribed burning may impact some sections of the Track.
  2. Check where campfire bans are current (campfires are currently not permitted anywhere on the Track) or total fire bans (declared on a daily basis) in the area you plan to walk. Some campsites have campfire bans all year round. Take and use your fuel stove. Fuel stoves cannot be used on days declared as a total fire ban. Check Emergency WA.
  3. Do all of the above by checking the Track conditions on the section you are walking by visiting the relevant Section by Section Guide and clicking the Realignments/Diversion tab on our website.
  4. Large groups may be using some campsites out on the Track. Check these by going to the Section By Section Guide and clicking on the section you would like to walk and then the Groups On Track tab. Avoid these campsites if possible.  
  5. Take a tent as space in the shelters cannot be guaranteed and many campsites/tent sites will also be very busy. Particularly those close to Perth.
  6. Carry a Bibbulmun Track map (as well as a guidebook). Don’t rely soley on electronic maps or apps.
  7. Only access the Track at permitted vehicle access points marked with a red car on the official maps. Click for more info and scroll down to Dieback and Bibbulmun Track access.
  8. Take enough water. If you are only doing day-walks, carry enough for the day and leave the water in the tanks for the long distance walkers. 
  9. Refer to our FAQs and the Trip Planner pages for more information or contact us.
  10. Remember vehicles of any kind (i.e. anything with wheels) are not permitted along the Track or at any Bibbulmun Track campsite. If you see one, take a photo which includes the registration plate so the authorities can follow it up.


Rainbow in the valley. Should I check out the pot of gold?
Rainbow in the valley. Should I check out the pot of gold?