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The Independent Way

Self-guided walking and camping with a backpack is a satisfying and inexpensive way to experience the Track. This section will provide you with the information to help you get started.

The endless hills of the Darling Range.
The endless hills of the Darling Range.

To walk the Track end-to-end takes between 6-8 weeks with more than 100 people each year becoming end-to-enders. Around one-third of these end-to-enders achieve this in one go while the others may have made numerous trips to the Track to achieve their goal.

The vast majority of walks taken on the Bibbulmun Track are day walks or short walks of between two days and a week.  Walkers may drive up to the hills from Perth for the day, or base themselves in one of the towns along the Track.  The experience will differ depending on the time of year, the section walked and the age-group, fitness or experience of the walkers.

Whether it’s for the physical challenge and personal achievement of a long-distance walk or a short stroll with the kids to have a picnic at a campsite, the Bibbulmun Track offers something for everyone.

“Walking the Bibbulmun Track is just as awe-inspiring as walking in the Everest region in Nepal and seeing the biggest mountains in the world. The giant red tingle trees, the Southern Ocean, the wonderful beaches, the grass trees all bearing their flower spikes after a devastating fire – it is all so different to anywhere else we have been. It is the variation in the terrain and the sheer majesty of it all that makes it so very special.”

B and M Bryan (aka The Silvertops), UK (After their third end-to-end)