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Group Activities & Team Building

Views from the Mundaring Weir wall.
Views from the Mundaring Weir wall.

Why the Bibbulmun Track?

Getting out into the bush is a great tonic for the mind and the body. It’s the perfect setting to enhance team spirit and build awareness, cooperation and communication between individuals.

The natural environment, coupled with the non-competitive nature of walking encourages people to talk to one another and build relationships beyond the established working relationship. Whether you’re looking for a corporate team building activity or simply a fun day out for the social club, we can arrange an event to suit your needs.

If you are a school or youth group, please check our expedition planning resources or contact us for guided walks.

Our specially designed walks provide but a small taste of this magnificent walking track. The Pub-Plod Walks range from a leisurely half-day stroll to a challenging day walk, but always end up at an historic watering hole for a fabulous end to the day’s walk. Or you can combine bushwalking with canoeing on the Ramble & Paddle event for something different.

All our events will leave you feeling rejuvenated and ready to face the world again. You’ll laugh a lot and take away some lasting memories!

Are four heads better than none, even if they can’t see? The Team from Technip Oceania decide.
Are four heads better than none, even if they can’t see? The Team from Technip Oceania decide.

Optional activities

Your adventure doesn’t have to be all about walking. You may wish to include team building games.




Contact us for more information

The CSBP team working as a team gets the job done quicker.
The CSBP team working as a team gets the job done quicker.

Please complete the form below and we will be in touch soon about our team building programs.
Alternatively, if you do not have a group and wish to participate in our events, please see our Calendar of Events.

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