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Pub, Pumps and Pipes

  • When: Sun 16th June, 2024 - 9:00 am to Sun 16th June, 2024 - 2:30 pm
  • Where: Near Mundaring Weir - Near Mundaring Weir | Section/s: The Darling Range
  • Rating: Beginners | Category:

Transport yourself to the 1890s, a time when C Y O’Connor initiated the ambitious project of constructing the world’s longest freshwater pipeline.

Join Bill, our knowledgeable guide from the National Trust, to delve into the intriguing history and debates surrounding the development of the Mundaring Weir, pump stations, and the impressive 560km pipeline.

Embark on a journey along the O’Connor Trail, Bibbulmun Track, and the Weir Walk, covering approximately 6.5km, as you unravel the secrets of this significant industrial heritage icon.

On our walk, we have a private tour of the No1 Pump Station which houses one of the three original steam engines. We also visit the little known site of the No2 Pump Station where Bill shares his experiences as a child and the historical photos of the area. We even walk up the old concrete steps to the site of Bill’s house where he grew up!

This incredibly intimate and emotionally charged tour comes to an end at the celebrated Mundaring Weir Hotel, adding a historical touch to your exploration.

The best part of booking an event with us is that all profits go back to the maintenance of the Bibbulmun Track – you should be proud!

Bill’s personal connection with the history of the weir and the pumping stations, and his infinite knowledge of CY O’Connor brought the history to life, and I was totally engrossing and fantastically interesting. – Event participant

Included perks:

  • Insights and personal stories from Bill including photos of the original construction of the weir wall, the No1 and No2 Pump Stations.
  • Entry into and private tour of the No1 Pump Station including the actual steam driven pump!
  • Site visit to the No2 Pump Station and Bill’s old house site.
  • The full unfettered story behind the death of CY O’Connor.
  • Morning tea.
  • Expert bushwalking advice from the Bibb Track specialists.
  • Trained and experienced Bibb Track guide.
  • Assured awe-inspiring exploration of the project’s history.

This was a simply marvellous day that we haven’t stopped talking about all week. Looking forward to participating in another day walk in the not too distant future. – Event participant

Check what the event rating means for this walk.

Please ensure you have read and understood the booking conditions before you proceed with this booking.

Once you have booked, watch for the automated email with instructions on how to download the event information, or see our website help page.

Bill’s photos (both National Trust photos and his personal photos) were most interesting. Bill should himself be classified by the National Trust as a National Treasure, and subject to special preservation orders!  – Event participant

The muffins at Pump Station 1 were to die for! – Event participant

Your Event Guide/s:

Steve Sertis thumbnail

Steve Sertis

Hi folks. I have been with the Foundation since 1997, when I first joined as a member and maintenance volunteer. I wanted to get involved in the ‘new’ Track after getting terribly lost on the ‘old’ Bibbulmun Track. From there I began leading walks and then came on staff in the office in 1999 as Events Manager and Lead Guide. I love walking and have done a few end-to-ends. I really get a kick out of sharing this passion with everyone. I am still a volunteer and look after Nerang Campsite. Come and join me on this event!

Arthur Wright thumbnail

Arthur Wright

Hi, I’m Arthur. I not only love the Bibbulmun Track but I’m incredibly proud that we have this amazing long-distance hike here in WA. I’ve been hiking on the Track since 2005 and I’ve been a member of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation since then. I’m a sectional volunteer, and I’m lucky enough to have the Woolbales campsite just north of Walpole included in the section I help look after. I like sharing my enthusiasm for “the Bibb” with people who are curious about it, want to give it a try and want to learn more about hiking.