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Event Ratings

Please note that the ratings can be very subjective and are to be used as a guide only.  They try to take into account the terrain and distance in relation to other parts of the Track, not your walking experience and fitness level.

We ask you to think about your own level of fitness and previous walking experience, particularly for overnight events where you are expected to carry an overnight pack.

For day walks

  • Beginners: for those that have not bushwalked before and would like an introduction to the Track. Walks typically have gentler grades and/or short distances. No walk is entirely flat and beginners still need to have a reasonable level of fitness. For example the circuit walk around the city bridges (Narrows Bridge to Causeway around the Swan River) would be classed as an easy beginner’s walk as it is mostly flat and 10km in length.
  • Intermediate: for those that have done up to 10km on a single day bushwalk with some hills. These walks are typically undulating with a few steep hills. Walkers should have a fairly good level of fitness.
  • Experienced: walkers who have bushwalked 15km or more on a single day with challenging terrain. These are usually long day-walks of up to 9 hours with a steady pace and/or several steep hills. Walkers must be fit and experienced.

For overnight walks

  • Beginners: for those that have not bushwalked overnight before, carrying an overnight pack with camping gear*. These walks require a good level of fitness and some day-walk experience is strongly recommended.
  • Intermediate: for those that have done up to 10km on an overnight bushwalk with a few hills, carrying an overnight pack with camping gear*. Again a good level of fitness is needed.
  • Experienced: walkers who have bushwalked 15km or more on consecutive days in the bush with challenging terrain, carrying an overnight pack with camping gear*. A very good level of fitness is required and walkers may be screened when booking on these events.

* camping gear refers to sleeping bag, sleeping gear, tent, fuel stove, food for two days or more and clothing.

Lunch at Waalegh Campsite!!.
Lunch at Waalegh Campsite.