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Event Booking Conditions

Get to know heaps of other walkers on our organised events.
Get to know heaps of other walkers on our organised events.

General Booking Conditions

  • No refunds, credits, transfers or exchanges (except where an event has been significantly altered or cancelled). This policy will be adhered to, despite the most compelling and compassionate circumstances including any COVID-19 related circumstances. See why below.
  • We highly recommend taking out Travel Insurance for some of our Events; NiB and Covermore are two companies that offer well-priced products, but please read the PDS to make sure it covers what you need.
  • Individuals making online bookings must attend the event. Bookings cannot be made on behalf of other people if you are not attending.
  • Bookings close before the event begins. New registrations or additions to existing bookings cannot be made at the event.
  • Prices and itineraries are based on conditions at time of printing and may be subject to change without notice.
  • The Foundation reserves the right to cancel an event with 24 hours notice should the number of participants be deemed to be insufficient. It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that they are contactable during this 24 hour period.
  • Events are not usually cancelled due to inclement weather.
  • Family member and children member prices are applicable to family category memberships only.
  • Members attending Social Sunday Walks must provide credit card details for a bond which may be lost if they do not show up – see below.
  • Unless otherwise stated, all children must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Bookings cannot be made by telephone; a properly completed booking form or online booking is required. You may request a booking form by telephone or email.
  • Bookings cannot be made until full payment has been received.
  • Event details will be made available to you after payment has been received. You will need to log into your web account and then go to the event concerned. Click here for more info.
  • The Bibbulmun Track Foundation reserves the right to take photographs of the participants and use those images for promotional purposes. In booking an event, you give the Foundation the right to use images for such purposes.
  • You give consent for the Foundation and/or any event leaders to seek and/or provide emergency medical treatment if necessary while participating in an event.
  • You acknowledge and assume all risks associated with your participation in the events for which you have booked. You will hold the Bibbulmun Track Foundation and its Board, Executive Director, employees, servants, agents and members free from all liability, causes of action, debts, claims and demands of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise out of, or in connection with, the use of the facilities or equipment provided by the  Foundation, or participating in the events.
  • In making a booking you acknowledge that you, and any other persons that you are booking for, understand and agree to the above conditions.

Please note that we are not open on weekends – we are out walking!

Why is there a no refunds, transfers or exchange policy?

Our events sometimes fill quickly which precludes others from booking. People don’t always notify us to be placed on a wait list. By cancelling a booking it means that we have to try and replace your booking to keep the event financially sustainable. As a non-profit organisation we simply cannot afford to run events at a loss. A cancellation may mean the entire event is cancelled and this is very unfair to others who have made arrangements to attend and who are looking forward to the event. It also means that the Foundation makes a loss because we have spent time and resources in putting the event together and promoting it. Although one cancellation may not necessarily mean that the event is cancelled, any number of cancellations may do and the same policy must apply to all.

A request for a transfer (or exchange for another product) to another event creates the same issue where your place still needs to be filled for the same reasons outlined above, and is therefore treated as a request for a refund.

Social Sunday Walks

Bibbulmun Track sign

The Bibbulmun Track is easy to find at permitted access points.

A policy of not opening walks for registration until two months prior to the walk and holding a bond for members has been implemented because many of the walks book out very quickly and we sometimes have long waiting lists. Unfortunately, because these events are free, sometimes some members don’t show up on the day, or cancel at the last minute – which doesn’t give us enough time to contact those on the waiting list. If this happens we reserve the right to charge a fee equivalent to the cost of the walk for non-members. Members should contact us to cancel the booking before bookings close to avoid any charges.

This is frustrating for us, but especially for those on the waiting list who are keen to go and have missed out. It is also unfair on our volunteer guides, who give up their Sundays to lead walks, when less than a handful of people show up on a walk which has 20 people booked on it.

It is important that we place a value on these events and consider the time and effort of our volunteer guides who lead the walks. It is also important that the booking system is as fair as possible to all members so that the maximum amount of members can enjoy the walks.

Walkers reach a viewing platform above the Mundaring Weir on their way to the pub.
Walkers reach a viewing platform above the Mundaring Weir on their way to the pub.