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Carbon Neutral Events Tours

Aside from the obvious light ecological footprint that bushwalking, as a recreational pursuit, leaves on the environment, the Bibbulmun Track Foundation offsets carbon emissions caused by transport involved in our events and tours.

The Earth image on the calendar of events

You will notice that our Events Calendar now features the Earth image.  Events with this image indicate that participants’ transport emissions are offset by the Foundation for that event.

The Carbon Neutral calculator determines the amount of carbon emission based on the distance travelled to each of the events and tours we hold.  Once we know the amount of greenhouse gas emission, the Foundation makes a donation to the Carbon Neutral program to purchase and plant trees in WA which offsets the emission.

Obviously avoiding the emission in the first place would be ideal, but making our events carbon neutral is an important step to protect our planet from issues related to climate change.

Your carbon footprint – find out more…

We encourage participants to offset their own emissions on events where emissions are not offset by the Foundation. We also encourage everyone to offset all their emissions, after making reductions in their own carbon footprint caused by daily personal consumption. This is very simple and inexpensive to do. Visit the Carbon Neutral website.

Well done for choosing a nature based recreation such as walking the Bibbulmun Track, which has minimal impact on our environment.

Kangaroos on the south coast.
Kangaroos on the south coast.