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Volunteers recognised by Sport and Recreation

A group of our volunteers sat down to a Recognition Breakfast hosted by the Department of Sport and Recreation’s People Development Team, as part of National Volunteer Week. They were among other volunteers who were honoured and recognised for their outstanding contribution to sport and recreation in WA.

ABC Grandstand presenter Clint Wheeldon was master of ceremonies and Gwen was among four Volunteers interviewed during the breakfast.

The Foundation is proud to manage over 250 volunteers. The majority of volunteers are involved in The Eyes on the Ground Volunteer Maintenance Program, generously supported by Boddington Gold Mine and administered by The Bibbulmun Track Foundation. The program was introduced in 1998 to ensure that the Track is cherished and well maintained for generations to come.

Ensuring the Track is well maintained is a never-ending challenge and our volunteers are vital to ensuring that walkers have an enjoyable and safe experience. Volunteers adopt different sections along the 1,000km Bibbulmun Track, and carry out tasks such as lightweight pruning, clearing minor obstacles like rocks and branches, checking and replacing trail markers, keeping campsites clean and reporting back.

As well as maintenance volunteers, others also give their time and experience by guiding events, working in the office or promoting the Track at community events.

Without its volunteers, the Bibbulmun Track Foundation would not be able to ensure the Track remains for future generations to enjoy, and we are forever grateful for their dedication and passion.

If you enjoy the great outdoors why not make up a small team of friends, have some fun and become our ‘Eyes on the Ground’, or if your interests lie in guiding or working in the office – contact us.