Realignments & Alternative Routes
Little River realignment
The Bibbulmun Track has been permanently realigned for 450m, utilising the new section of the Little River Walk Trail.
After crossing the Little River suspension bridge veer right remaining on the Little River walk trail. Rejoin the original alignment 450m later near the boundary of a private property. If inundation is an issue the original route along Maraveen Place and Ridley Place can be used.
Greens Pool alternative for southbound walkers
Please note this alternative route may not be an option if Mazzoletti Beach is closed. Please check Diversions and other Impacts below. Note: Green’s Pool may be closed – if it is there will be a notice under Diversions and Other Impacts below. Depending on conditions due to high tides and the dune access being washed away, southbound walkers only may need to walk along the beach to Greens Pool and along William Bay Road (option 2) or, if conditions permit, climb the dune and walk inland to cross William Bay Road (option 1). This does not affect northbound walkers and they should not divert down William Bay Rd.
Option 1: follow the existing Track. Walkers should exercise caution on the steep exit at the eastern end of Mazzoletti Beach.
Option 2: follow the coast to Greens Pool. A 2.7km alternative route is in place from the eastern end (Denmark side) of Mazzoletti Beach to the Bibbulmun Track crossing on William Bay Road.
Hikers should exercise extreme caution when walking along William Bay Road.
For more information please contact Parks and Wildlife Walpole on (08) 9840 0400.
Mazzoletti Beach Winter Alternative Route
Due to large swells and high tides, Mazzoletti Beach can be difficult to navigate and may be potentially dangerous in some sections during winter.
Walkers should consider using the 19.7km alternate route along Parry Beach Road, South Coast Highway and William Bay Road as indicated on the Bibbulmun Track maps, or avoid this section until conditions improve.
Walkers should exercise extreme caution whilst walking along roads, especially South Coast Highway.
Tide information and weather conditions are available from the Bureau of Meteorology.
For more information, contact the Parks and Wildlife Service Walpole office on (08) 9840 0400.
Refer to Bibbulmun Track map for the marked alternate route.
Realignment William Bay National Park
A 2.3km section of the Bibbulmun Track has been realigned due to identification of environmental and heritage values in the area. A 2.7km realignment is in place.
For further information, please contact the Parks and Wildlife Service Walpole office on (08) 9840 0400.
The realignment is well marked so walkers should follow the signs. The old alignment has become overgrown and is barely visible in places.
Southbound walkers will turn left onto a firebreak. Later at a T-junction in karri forest, turn right onto another firebreak. Near private property, turn right again onto another firebreak. At a T-junction, turn left to join original route.
Northbound walkers will turn right at the junction with a firebreak and then left onto another firebreak near the corner of private property. Later, in karri forest, turn left onto another firebreak. Then turn right off firebreak onto trail (original alignment).