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The Darling Range

Kalamunda to Dwellingup | Distance: 211km

Realignments & Alternative Routes

Mundaring Weir after hours alternate route

The Mundaring Weir wall is usually open until 5pm (4pm in winter) each day at which time the gates are closed. If the gates are closed take the alternative route to the other side of the wall. 


From the south end of the wall (southbound walkers) follow the markers beyond the toilet block to cross the river at the small footbridge at the base of the wall. Turn right toward the wall and then follow markers ascending steps and an old railway formation up to the top to re-join the Bibbulmun Track. 

Helena Campsite

The Bibbulmun Track has been permanently realigned for 640m east of Helena campsite.


Walkers leaving Helena Campsite heading toward Waalegh campsite are no longer required to the hike up the hill past the toilet to exit the site. Follow the trail as marked on the ground heading north-east directly from the campsite. The newly constructed trail joins the existing trail at Driver Rd and is slightly shorter (ad easier) than the original alignment.

Mt Dale

The Track has been realigned in this area to incorporate the Mt Dale loop walk.


Southbound walkers should turn left onto the new alignment at approx. 300m before crossing Dale Rd on the old alignment. It will then head to the east of Mt Dale and return to pass through picnic area and re-join the original alignment soon after. 

Northbound walkers should leave the old alignment turning right just before Dale Rd. Follow the marked trail toward the picnic area and around to the east of Mt Dale before re-joining the original alignment to the west. 

The distance of the realignment is 2.1km, increasing the total distance of the day between Beraking and Mt Dale Campsites by about 1.7km.

Walkers can download a map by copying and pasting this URL into their browser: https://alerts.dbca.wa.gov.au/media/

North Bannister spur Trail

The Three-ways roadhouse at North Bannister is linked to the Track via an approx. 1.5km spur 


From Gringer Creek campsite follow the marked trail in front of the shelter. From the roadhouse, cross the side street (which runs off Albany Highway) and look for the trail marker and walk trail to the 

Boonerring Hill spur trail

Walkers can take a short spur trail to the summit for outstanding 360° views of the area.  


Take the 400 metre trail to the left once you have reached the ridge line behind Boonerring Hill. Ensure you stay off the fragile moss and lichen on the rocky top.

Nyingarn Bidi Loop

The Nyingarn Bidi trail links Chadoora Campsite with Swamp Oak Campsite south of Dwellingup making a three-day loop.


The Nyingarn Bidi also uses the Bibbulmun Track Waugal symbol but in a rich tangerine colour.

Follow the markers around 500m west of Chadoora Campsite from the main Track and rejoin the Bibbulmun Track around 4.5km south of Swamp Oak Campsite, some 16km later.

Commencing in Dwellingup, walkers can undertake this loop in either direction. 

Albany Highway realignment

A minor realignment of 280m means that walkers no longer need to walk along the highway.


Southbound walkers cross Albany Hwy and then veer right heading northward to meet the original alignment. Northbound walkers turn right onto trail before reaching the highway, head south on trail to cross the highway.

Alyi-wa Miya group campsite spur trail

The new Alyi-wa Miya group campsite in the Monadnocks Conservation Park is now open to hikers, catering for groups of up to 30. 


Follow a 450m spur trail off the main track south of the existing Monadnocks campsite to access the group campsite.

Diversions & Other Impacts

North Bannister Roadhouse

Location: 1km from Gringer Creek campsite

The Threeways Roadhouse (tavern and restaurant) at North Bannister remains closed for the foreseeable future. 

The petrol service station is also currently closed (as at 23/3/23).

If and when the situation changes, it will be posted here.

New Alyi-wa Miya group campsite open

Location: South of Monadnocks campsite

The new Alyi-wa Miya group campsite in the Monadnocks Conservation Park is now open to hikers, catering for groups of up to 30. It is also open to non-group use and is not too far from the existing Monadnocks campsite.

Download the map.

Follow a 450m spur trail off the main track to access the campsite.

Groups of eight or more people are required to submit the Group Notification Form to the Bibbulmun Track Foundation with trip details. Bibbulmun Track campsites cannot be reserved but early notification of groups’ intentions to use campsites enables the Bibbulmun Track Foundation to inform other walkers when these facilities will be occupied by those groups.

For more information, visit Explore Parks or contact the Parks and Wildlife Service Mundaring office on (08) 9290 6100.

Blasting near Mt Wells and White Horse Hills campsites

Location: Between White Horse Hills and Chadoora campsites south of the Albany Highway and north of Dwellingup

Newmont Boddington Gold advise that blasting adjacent to Mt Wells campsite will take place each week until further notice. Although the blasting will not impact upon the Track, given the proximity of the blasting to the campsite and the Track, walkers should be aware of the noise. The blasts typically occur between 1pm and 3pm.

Walkers should also note that ALCOA are blasting on the western side of the Track though a greater distance away from the Track. These blasts are closer to White Horse Hills campsite than Mt Wells campsite.

Walkers wishing greater serenity should avoid the section of Track from North Bannister to Dwellingup as mine workings can be heard 24hrs a day to varying degrees from all three campsites (White Horse Hills, Mt Wells and Chadoora).