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Pemberton to Northcliffe | Distance: 59km

The walk from Pemberton to Northcliffe is well known for pleasant walking through the karri forest. A shorter walk between these towns (three days, two nights), it is the perfect section for a quick getaway. It boasts the famous Gloucester Tree which is well worth a climb – but take off your pack before you climb the 61 metres to the top. The Warren campsite is nestled in the karri forest whilst Schafer campsite. named after Geoff Schafer, is on the banks of a welcome swimming hole.


Pemberton is situated in a valley, surrounded by the karri forests of the Gloucester National Park and the Pemberton Forest Park. It is a pretty timber town, which enjoys a cool climate and has a good variety of attractions, so it’s worth planning to stay an extra day or two.

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Located 360km south of Perth, Northcliffe has the unique distinction of being the only town founded in WA specifically for the First World War Group Settlement Scheme. There is an old fashioned country, community spirit that is still alive in Northcliffe, which has existed since the early settlement days.

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Muirillup Rd

Red (Track Crossing)

Middleton Rd

Red (Track Crossing)

Lane-Poole Rd

Red (Track Crossing)

Karri Hill Rd

Red (Track Crossing)

Hill Brook Rd

Red (Track Crossing)

Wheatley Coast Rd (north)

Red (Track Crossing)

River Rd Bridge

Red (Track Crossing)

Gloucester Rd

Red (Track Crossing)

Cascades Spur Trail

Red (Track Crossing)

Gloucester Tree

Red (Track Crossing)

Schafer Campsite

Capacity: 12-15

Warren Campsite

Capacity: 12-15

Pemberton Visitor Centre

Karri Hill Cottages

  • Accommodation

Distance to track: 300 metres
Distance to nearest town: 12km
Nearest town: Northcliffe

Tel: (08) 9776 7349
Mob: 0415 611 758 (text only please)
262 Karri Hill Road Crowea 6262

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Pemberton Visitor Centre

  • Information Supplier

Distance to track: On the Track
Distance to nearest town: In town

Tel: (08) 9776 1133
61 Brockman Street Pemberton 6260

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Pemberton Discovery Tours

  • Accommodation
  • Local Transport Operator
  • Internet Access Provider
  • Tours
  • Information Supplier
  • Equipment Supplier

Distance to track: On the Track
Distance to nearest town: In town
Nearest town: Pemberton

Tel: (08) 9776 0484
12 Brockman Street Pemberton 6260

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Pemberton Discovery Tours

  • Accommodation
  • Local Transport Operator
  • Internet Access Provider
  • Tours
  • Information Supplier
  • Equipment Supplier

Distance to track: On the Track
Distance to nearest town: In town
Nearest town: Pemberton

Tel: (08) 9776 0484
12 Brockman Street Pemberton 6260

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Pemberton Discovery Tours

  • Accommodation
  • Local Transport Operator
  • Internet Access Provider
  • Tours
  • Information Supplier
  • Equipment Supplier

Distance to track: On the Track
Distance to nearest town: In town
Nearest town: Pemberton

Tel: (08) 9776 0484
12 Brockman Street Pemberton 6260

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Pemberton Discovery Tours

  • Accommodation
  • Local Transport Operator
  • Internet Access Provider
  • Tours
  • Information Supplier
  • Equipment Supplier

Distance to track: On the Track
Distance to nearest town: In town
Nearest town: Pemberton

Tel: (08) 9776 0484
12 Brockman Street Pemberton 6260

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Pemberton Discovery Tours

  • Accommodation
  • Local Transport Operator
  • Internet Access Provider
  • Tours
  • Information Supplier
  • Equipment Supplier

Distance to track: On the Track
Distance to nearest town: In town
Nearest town: Pemberton

Tel: (08) 9776 0484
12 Brockman Street Pemberton 6260

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Pemberton Discovery Tours

  • Accommodation
  • Local Transport Operator
  • Internet Access Provider
  • Tours
  • Information Supplier
  • Equipment Supplier

Distance to track: On the Track
Distance to nearest town: In town
Nearest town: Pemberton

Tel: (08) 9776 0484
12 Brockman Street Pemberton 6260

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RAC Karri Valley Resort

  • Accommodation

Distance to track: 500m
Distance to nearest town: 22km
Nearest town: Pemberton

Tel: 08 9776 2020
Vasse Highway Pemberton 6260

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Pemberton Charters

  • Local Transport Operator
  • Tours

Mob: 0413 589 032
78 Dean St Pemberton 6260

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Pemberton Charters

  • Local Transport Operator
  • Tours

Mob: 0413 589 032
78 Dean St Pemberton 6260

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Forest Lodge Resort

  • Accommodation

Distance to track: 1.4km
Distance to nearest town: 1.4km
Nearest town: Pemberton

Tel: (08) 9776 1113
Mob: 0478 654 170
13626 Vasse Highway Pemberton 6260

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Treenbrook Cottages

  • Accommodation

Distance to track: 7.1km from Cascades access, 14.8 km from Beedalup Fall access
Distance to nearest town: 5.2km from the town of Pemberton, WA
Nearest town: Pemberton

Tel: 08 9776 1638
Mob: 0427761638
12928 Vasse Hwy, Yeagarup, 6260 Yeagarup 6260

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