Along the Track
Between Northcliffe and Walpole, walkers heading south will once again reach a few milestones; the diverse ecosystems of the Pingerup Plains, the last of the campsites with campfires allowed and, most significantly, the first encounter with the wild southern ocean. This is the most wilderness section of the southern part of the Track, with fewer bitumen roads and almost no civilisation for eight days.
Find out more in Along the Track.
- The Gardner, Shannon, Deep and Walpole Rivers are highlights for walkers on this section. The Track meanders along their banks and offers cool and shady spots for a rest.
- Lake Maringup – one of the largest fresh water lakes in the south west.
- Shannon, D’Entrecasteaux, and Walpole-Nornalup National Parks.
- Rocky domes and peaks with fantastic views over the extensive Broke Inlet and the southern ocean from Mt Pingerup, Mt Chance, and Woolbales.
- Chatham Island views – the first real sign for southbound walkers that they have reached the coast.
- Mandalay Beach – see if you can see the remains of the Mandalay, a three-masted Norwegian Barque which was beached on the 15th of May 1911.
- Nuyts Wilderness walk trail – a diversion off the Bibbulmun Track in the Walpole-Nornalup National Park.
- Tingle forest at Mt Clare – a relic of the Gondwanan era some 65 million years ago, when Australia was joined to Africa, India and Antarctica. These trees occur nowhere else in the world!
- The John Rate lookout is located amidst the Rates Tingle tree – found only in the area.
- Great views across the Walpole Inlet welcome walkers into town.
Interesting Places
- Northcliffe Visitors Centre and Understorey Art Trail – enjoy the art work and audio tours including stories for children.
- Go back in history at the Northcliffe Pioneer Museum.
- Northcliffe Forest Park – with several marked walking trails, bbq and picnic spots.
- Windy Harbour – pristine beaches, surfing, fishing, walking trails along the cliff-tops.
- Mt Chudalup – a 45 minute walk to the top of a 1300 million year old granite dome with views of the surrounding forests, sand dunes and the southern ocean.
- Great Forest Trees Drive – 40km drive through karri forest; tune in to the pioneers on your car radio.
- Lane Poole Falls – a 2km walk trail down to the Canterbury River to see the tallest waterfall (15m) in the region (in winter and spring).
- Picnic on the shores of Broke Inlet – or perhaps bring your kayak and go for a paddle.
- Look for the shipwreck at Mandalay Beach and lookout.
- Hike through the Nuyts Wilderness – a special conservation zone in the Walpole Wilderness.
- Camp overnight at Crystal Springs campground while exploring the area.
- Great views of the area at Mt Clare summit walk.
Day Walks
- Wheatley Coast Rd to Gardner campsite and back (23.4km). The Wheatley Coast Rd access point is 3.5km south of Northcliffe.
- Chesapeake Rd (west) to Chesapeake Rd (east) via Lake Maringup campsite one-way (17.2km). Take Deeside Coast Rd from the South Western Highway until you reach Chesapeake Rd (32km). Turn right and drive approx. 14.7km until you reach the bridge (closed to traffic) over the Gardner River. Note that you will pass the Chesapeake Rd (east) Bibbulmun Track crossing about 5-6km from Deeside Coast Rd. No access to Chesapeake Rd from Windy Harbour Rd.
- Chesapeake Rd (east) to Lake Maringup campsite and back (18km).
- Dog Rd to Dog Pool campsite and back (9.8km). Take Deeside Coast Rd (approx 26km) from the South Western Highway until you reach Dog Rd. Turn left into Dog Rd until you reach the Track coming in from the right.
- Mt Chance access fire break to Mt Chance campsite and back (approx. 8km). Drive down South Western Highway to the Shannon Nation Park camping ground (old town site). From there drive a further 33.4km to the Mt Chance access. If you reach Ordnance Rd come back 2.9km.
- Mt Chance access fire break to Mt Pingerup spur trail (South Western Highway) including Mt Pingerup summit one-way (approx. 18km).
- South Western Highway to Mt Pingerup and back (approx. 5km). The Mt Pingerup access is off South Western Highway 2km past Ordnance Rd. Watch for signs.
- Broke Inlet Rd to South Western Highway via Woolbales campsite and Woolbales track one-way (approx. 18km). From Manjimup drive along South Western Highway for 95km. Turn right into Broke Inlet Rd for 3km to the Track crossing.
- South Western Highway to Woolbales campsite and back (approx. 6.5km). From Broke Inlet Rd on the South Western Highway, drive south for 7.7km. Watch for a gate across an old 4wd track on the right. Follow this 4wd track for a little over 3.2km to the campsite. When you walk to the Bibbulmun Track turn right. Straight ahead will continue onto Mandalay Beach.
- Mandalay Beach to Long Point campsite and back (14.6km). From Manjimup drive along South Western Highway for 107km. Turn right at Crystal Springs on Mandalay Beach Rd and follow 8km to the end.
- John Rate lookout to Mt Clare campsite and back (8.6km). From Walpole travel 5.5km along the South Western Highway to John Rate lookout.
Overnight Walks
- Northcliffe to Gardner campsite and back. (30.4km, two days, one night).
- Northcliffe to Deeside Coast Rd (48.2km, three days, one night).
- Deeside Coast Rd to Broke Inlet Rd (37.9km, three days, two nights).
- Northcliffe to Broke Inlet Rd (86.1km, five days, four nights).
- Broke inlet Rd to Mandalay Beach (21.9km, two days, one night).
- Mandalay Beach to Walpole (29.3km, two or three days, one or two nights).
- Northcliffe to Walpole (137.3km, seven or eight days, six or seven nights).
- Walpole to Mt Clare and back (20km, two days, one night).
Getting There
Northcliffe is located 357km south of Perth. It is a drive of approx. four hours and 15 minutes from Perth via South Western and Vasse Highways (through Pemberton).
TransWA operate services most days from Pemberton and Perth.
TransWA also operate daily services to Walpole.
Walpole is 97km south-west of Northcliffe by road via Middleton Rd and South Western Highway.
Some accommodation providers will transfer you to the Track, provided you are staying with them.
Reflections from the Register
Gardner campsite
Hmmm…bare feet, wet T-shirt, sitting on a log across the river in the shade to keep cool. This is what summer’s all about and I’m loving it! Weather aside, this campsite is just gorgeous. All the insect noises, the sound of the little waterfall, the trees reflected in the river. So peaceful. My soul is singing. I’ve only shared one shelter since Walpole and the solitude has done me good. For the first time in ages I’ve been able to feel however I want to feel, do what I want to do and take full responsibility for my achievements and my failures along the track.
Karin (end-to-end S-N) 13/02/06
This is our last leg walking to raise money for lung cancer awareness. We’ll be back in July for Northcliffe to Collie and in October to finish off at Hewett’s Hill. Hewett’s Hill is named after our father, Peter Hewett, who was a founder of the Bibbulmun Track and who played an integral part in making it happen when recreational bush walking was not common. Thanks to all the volunteers and everyone else involved in keeping the Track and the shelters in such great condition. It has been awesome!
Carolyn Riordan (née Hewett);Penni Ellis (née Hewett); Keren Huck; Lyn Ellis 04/05/2019
Lake Maringup campsite
Nice to see kanguruhs and emus with me on the way from Gardener to this lovely place on the Lake Maringup. This hudge trees seems to be a favourite place for the kokkoburra. Sunset is amazing over Lake Maringup. I feel so comfortable here it gets hard to start my walk to Dog Pool.
Christine (from Switzerland)13/08/01
Arrived yesterday about 2pm. Unpacked and soaked in this marvellous vista before us. Nineteen types of birds identified while we sat. The walk here was overcast with cool wind, perfect. This morning clear skies and sunshine. Can it get any better than this? Thank you to those who chose this site, and those who built the shelter. We will definitely return someday.
Eric and Claudette 04/10/98
A trip to WA wouldn’t be complete without a walk on the Bibbulmun Track. Arrived here mid-day yesterday, enjoyed the walk, the vegetation is incredible with lots of bird life. Views from the hut fabulous. Not many places where you can lie in bed and watch the sun rising over a lake.
Sue and Terry O’Brien ACT 28/04/99
When I arrived here, I thought “What is that noise?” It was distant and at first, I thought it was a river. Then I realised it was the ocean—a big moment to suddenly hear the ocean after leaving Kalamunda a long time ago!
Anon 25/05/2017
So nice to arrive here early! Only 1pm— yay finally some camp relax time. About to go for a swim in the lake. Might try and find that ukulele later and sing kumba-ya. Beautiful campsite. Some puddles along the way, maybe a warmup for what’s coming. We shot some nice adventurous footage for the show.
Caroline Thomsen 21/10/2019
When your ‘friend’, who seems to hike 365 days a year, tells you (in my case a lazy sloth who never hiked in her life) that “You can’t train for the Track, just do it” do not listen! Hike at least 5km a day every day for three months with a full pack. I have been lifting my legs like a puppet and stopping every 50 steps until the spasms stopped. Luckily, I demanded a rest day today otherwise he would have been carrying my pack…and me. I love the campsite, the trees and the bush, but it’s not a race. I get peace from the sand, the birds, the wind, the smells, the trees and the colours. I will come back soon and bring my son.
Michelle 22/11/2017
Dog Pool campsite
Lucky this place has been named Dog Pool and not something like Paradise Cascades – which is surely more fitting – otherwise everyone would be down here!
Day 38 on the Bibbulmun Track
The day the flies made their attack,
The buzzing clouds, like swarming bees,
They fell upon us from the trees.
On body limbs and round the face
On pack and clothes they danced and raced
At last at night at nightfall they withdrew,
Replaced by mozzies, shoo, shoo, shoo!
J.S.Bark 27/10/06
Mount Chance campsite
Came here
Pitched tent
Got wet
Anon 12/10/99
We are from Sydney NSW. Did the top half last year and this time we are walking from Pemberton to Walpole. We will be back to do the rest. Mum is a 78 year-old great grandma and I have trouble keeping up with her! I am a 45 year-old grandma, and our next aim is to bring the grand-daughter along. Youth is all in the mind!
Prue Cooper and Bernice Colvin 01/05/2004
Woolbales campsite
Walpole to Northcliffe. Was thinking today how this track must have come from a dream in someone’s head to reality. A massive dream, a massive plan and a lot of work to be done. A lot of reasons not to do it, but here it is, and it is awesome. It is so good to sit and read of other people’s adventures especially when hiking alone.
Jules 05/05/00
I hope some wind comes up today
And blows these bloody flies away!
Anon 13/11/00
Well, been down in Walpole for two weeks with the wife, four kids, the dog and the parents—now I’m here overnight on my own—all on my own!! It’s bloody brilliant; the bush never ceases to amaze me. To all the whingers: “The only trips I regret are the ones I never did…happy walking!”
Mark Stafford (Kalamunda) 25/01/01
One more day ‘til we get to the sea
A pretty big milestone for Chunky and me
It has to be thirty-eight days at least
But now we can turn and start heading east
We’ve come a long way from the hills around Perth
Now it’s on to the waves, the wind and the surf.
Red Dog and Chunky Monkey 11/11/2008
Long Point campsite
Ahhh… the first day of June. Twas exactly two years ago that I quit my cushy corporate job and sold up everything I owned. Destroyed my career? Probably. Worth the view at Mandalay? Absolutely!
Robbie McKinney (aka Snarf) 01/06/08
From forest to the sea! As I trekked onwards to complete the Bibbulmun Track I felt very grateful and privileged to be here. Over 30 days of hiking has given me a clarity of existence that I will want to attain again and again. Maybe that is why long distance hiking becomes a life style choice.
Iya 29.09.2015
Bloody starving! Can’t wait to get to Walpole and eat some hot greasy food. Chips! Gotta have chips!
Drop Bear 02/09/2016
I’m with you, Bear. I keep dreaming about hamburgers with chips. Is there a bakery in Walpole?
Anon 04/09/2016
Mt Clare campsite
This evening will bring a moon full and bright
So we’ll carry on walking on into the night
If we become lost while we stumble around
We’ll holler and hoot and hope to get found
But if everything works and all goes quite fine
We’ll be at the pub well before closing time!
Red Dog & Chunky Monkey 13/11/08
Great walk, great campsites, great views, great fun. Pemby to Walpole completed (nearly). Here’s to the next time.
Jeremy Bishop 31/08/01
Arrived last night (day7) from Northcliffe. A long hard slog for me but the constantly changing scenery made it well worthwhile. Wonderful coastal views in bright sunlight one day, followed by cloudy days when the hills were shrouded in blue haze. A great group, expertly led by Bonnie and Steve,
Thanks to all
Sue 02/06/02
Warm and sunny, so the snakes are out! Lots of marks on the Track but I only saw one, which resulted in half of me trying to run and the other half freezing in fear. This led to me lying face down on the Track. Luckily the snake quit the scene and I hiked the next kilometre or so with legs of jelly.
Jenny 06/09/2020
Track Towns
Located 360km south of Perth, Northcliffe has the unique distinction of being the only town founded in WA specifically for the First World War Group Settlement Scheme. There is an old fashioned country, community spirit that is still alive in Northcliffe, which has existed since the early settlement days.Walpole
Located an hour and a half’s drive from Albany in the east and Pemberton in the west, Walpole is an ideal place to base yourself to explore the region and for walking on the Bibbulmun Track. The tiny town, which has a population of about 500, is located in a rather picturesque region of Western Australia where the cool waters of the Southern Ocean meet the tall, majestic forests of the southwest.
Maps and Guides
Bibbulmun Track Guidebook 6 and Map 6 – Northcliffe
Buy the Northcliffe Guidebook and Map together.
- Price $25.95
- Buy this
Bibbulmun Track Map 6 – Northcliffe
This map extends from Middleton Rd to Woolbales Campsite.
- Price $11.95
- Buy this
Bibbulmun Track Guidebook 7 and Map 7 – Walpole
Buy the Walpole Guidebook and Map together.
- Price $25.95
- Buy this
Bibbulmun Track Map 7 – Walpole
This map extends from Woolbales campsite to William Bay campsite.
- Price $11.95
- Buy this
Walpole Day Walk Map Pack
Not sure where to start? These Day Walk Map Packs are a great resource for beginners and people wanting to explore more of the Track.
- Price $27.95
- Buy this
Parks and Wildlife Service
Donnelly District
Willow Springs (Gold Gully Rd) to Pingerup Rd.
Including Tom Road campsite to Dog Pool campsite.
Contact: Dean Johnson ( Telephone: (08) 9771 7988
Opening times: 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday
Brain Street
Frankland District
Pingerup Rd to Denmark River Mouth.
Including Mt Chance campsite to William Bay campsite.
Contact: Megan Pardoe ( Telephone: (08) 9840 0400
Opening times: 8am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday
South Coast Highway
Visitor Information Centres
Northcliffe Information & Visitor CentreWalpole-Nornalup Visitor Centre