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Collie to Balingup | Distance: 86km

The town of Collie is known for its coal mining and coal-fired power plants. A thriving community and a major centre, Collie provides all the facilities a walker requires. The Track links to Collie via a 2.7km spur trail to the west. This section to Balingup is a shorter section allowing walkers to go from town-to-town over three nights. There are parts of the Track here that can get inundated during late winter so make sure those boots are water-proof!


Balingup is a popular destination for our Bibbulmun Walking Break packages as, in addition to lovely scenery, the town offers an interesting variety of shops and some fabulous places to eat.

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The Track links to Collie via a 2.7km spur trail. Collie is large enough to offer all the services expected of a regional centre, but small enough to retain its country charm and hospitality - it is a warm and friendly community surrounded by forests, rivers and lakes.

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Jayes Rd

Red (Track Crossing)

Balingup-Grimwade Rd

Red (Track Crossing)

Kirup-Grimwade Rd

Red (Track Crossing)

Tower Rd

Red (Track Crossing)

Lowden-Grimwade Rd

Red (Track Crossing)

Mumballup Forest Tavern (Donnybrook-Boyup Brook Rd)

Red (Track Crossing)

Glen Mervyn Dam (Collie-Preston Rd)

Red (Track Crossing)

Wellington Dam (Wellington Spur Trail)

Green (vehicle access within 3km of the Track using unmarked vehicle tracks)

Wight’s Rd (Wellington Spur Trail)

Red (Track Crossing)

Mungalup/South Rd (Wellington Spur Trail)

Red (Track Crossing)

Mungalup Rd (south)

Red (Track Crossing)

Mungalup Rd Bridge (Collie River)

Red (Track Crossing)

Arcadia Group Campsite

Capacity: 17

Lyall’s Mill Group Campsite

Capacity: 17

Grimwade Campsite

Capacity: 12

Noggerup Campsite

Capacity: 12

Yabberup Campsite

Capacity: 12

Glen Mervyn Dam

The Bibbulmun Track has been permanently realigned for 1.4km west away from the edge of the Glen Mervyn Dam. This has taken place to take walkers away from unsightly waste near the old alignment.

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Wellington Dam Spur Trail

The 19km Wellington Dam spur trail links the Bibbulmun Track from near Yabberup campsite, just south of Collie, to the Wellington Dam recreation area in the Wellington National Park.   The spur trail was identified as an ideal project to develop due to its proximity to the Perth population base, handy vehicle access and easy […]

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Wellington spur access

Wellington Dam

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Western Australian Visitor Centre

Collie Visitor Centre

Balingup and Districts Tourism Association

Mandia Cottage B&B

  • Accommodation

Distance to track: 3km
Distance to nearest town: 3km
Nearest town: Collie

Tel: +61 8 9734 2831
Mob: 0417 179 260
Lot 24 Hull Road Collie 6225

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Collie Visitor Centre

  • Internet Access Provider
  • Information Supplier

Distance to track: On the Track
Distance to nearest town: 500 metres
Nearest town: Collie

Tel: (08) 9734 2051
156 Throssell Street Collie 6225

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Collie Visitor Centre

  • Internet Access Provider
  • Information Supplier

Distance to track: On the Track
Distance to nearest town: 500 metres
Nearest town: Collie

Tel: (08) 9734 2051
156 Throssell Street Collie 6225

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Whispering Pines

  • Accommodation

Distance to track: 4km
Distance to nearest town: 3km
Nearest town: Collie

Tel: (08) 9734 3883
Mob: 0439 989 345
1 Rowe Street

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Forest Explorers

  • Local Transport Operator

Distance to track: 400m
Distance to nearest town: 2.4km
Nearest town: Collie

Mob: 0427 981 187
Forrest St Collie 6225

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  • Local Transport Operator
  • Tours

Distance to track: 4.5km
Distance to nearest town: 4.3km
Nearest town: Collie

Mob: 0417 654 426

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  • Local Transport Operator
  • Tours

Distance to track: 4.5km
Distance to nearest town: 4.3km
Nearest town: Collie

Mob: 0417 654 426

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Black Diamond Lodge

  • Accommodation

Distance to nearest town: 0.6 km
Nearest town: Collie

Mob: +61 8 9734 4439
43 Throssell St Collie 6225

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