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Distance Calculator

The calculator works in both north and south directions. You should always use this calculator in conjunction with the Bibbulmun Track maps and guidebooks as whilst the distances are a good guide, they are rounded to the nearest 100 metres.

If an access point is not shown here, then it is likely that it is not a permitted vehicle access point. It may be a restricted road or a closed quarantined road within a Disease Risk Area where vehicles are not permitted. If you are not sure then please contact us.

It should be noted that the following group campsites do not appear in the distance calculator:

  • Alyi-wa Miya Group Campsite (around 850m south of Monadnocks Campsite).
  • Mt Cooke Group Campsite (around 600m north of Mt Cooke Campsite).
  • Lyall’s Mill Group Campsite (on the Wellington Spur Trail around 350m north of Yabberup Campsite).
  • Arcadia Group Campsite (on the Wellington Spur Trail around 14km from Lyall’s Mill Group Campsite).

The results will be displayed below.

Total Distance: 0km (0 miles)

Access PointDistance from previous access point (km)