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Pemberton Charters

Services: ,

Are you about to embark on an adventure along the Bibbulmun Track or Munda Biddi Trail? Looking for comfortable, safe & reliable transport service along the way? Pemberton Charters offers all this and more for up to four people at a time.

  • Travel in style in our new and clean vehicle with ample, lockable, and secure space for backpacks, luggage, and bikes.
  • Enjoy the convenience of transportation to and from and between points on the Bibbulmun Track and Munda Biddi trail.
  • Experience the beauty of the region with our tailored tours, showcasing local produce, wines, restaurants, and nearby attractions.
  • Your safety is our priority. Jon, your driver, holds full police clearance and insurance.
  • Benefit from Jon’s valuable local knowledge and friendly service throughout our journey.
  • Stay refreshed on your journey with complimentary chilled water.

Contact Jon for a non-obligatory quote and let us be part of your journey.

Pemberton Charters thumbnail

Contact Details

Email: pembertoncharters@gmail.com
Mobile: 0413 589 032



Street Address

78 Dean St
Pemberton 6260