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Off The Beaten Track WA


Off The Beaten Track WA is a local eco-tour operator offering unique adventure and hiking tours in Perth, Western Australia. They offer memorable experiences with awe-inspiring views that reconnect you to nature. For the thrill seekers they have adrenaline filled tours such as their Sunset Abseiling Hike or the Treetop & Zipline Adventure Hike! Or perhaps you’re looking to be challenged with killer hills and burning calves on one of their Endurance Training Hikes? Alternatively you could relax and unwind on one of their Sunset & Stargazing or Acoustic Moon Hike experiences; where you will enjoy the beauty of the night sky in an unforgettable way! Experience the great outdoors with an Off The Beaten Track WA hiking experiences with a twist! Check out their upcoming hiking tours for your next unforgettable outdoor adventure. 


  • TCWA Accredited
  • Licensed Transport Provider
Off The Beaten Track WA thumbnail

Contact Details

Email: offthebeatentrackwa@gmail.com
Mobile: 0417 128 896



Port Kennedy 6172