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Balingup Visitor Centre


You’ll experience a warm welcome in Balingup! The Balingup Visitors Centre is located on the main street and is open 7 days a week. Knowledgeable staff and committed volunteers are very happy to assist visitors, offering a free accommodation booking service, information on local attractions, events and tours. The centre also stocks a wide range of merchandise, including Bibbulmun Track information, maps, resource books, gifts and souvenirs. They also have Wi-Fi, photocopying and laminating facilities


  • Mail & Parcel Holding
  • Extended Car Parking
Balingup Visitor Centre thumbnail

Contact Details

Telephone: (08) 9764 1818
Email: balinguptourism@westnet.com.au
Opening Hours: 10am - 3pm



Street Address

South West Highway
Balingup 6253