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Frequently Asked Questions


The Bibbulmun Track team at the Foundation are happy to answer any question you may have, but you may want to check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) first for a more speedy answer.

If  you still have any questions, feel free to contact us. We are happy to chat to you.

Questions (Click a question to jump to the answer)


Q: How long does it take to walk the Bibbulmun Track?

A: Six to eight weeks is the average time taken to walk the whole Track, nearly 1000km between Kalamunda and Albany, but many people choose to walk on the Track for much shorter periods. See the information on short walks and end-to-ends.

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Q: What are the snake signs (trail markers) we see out on the Track?

A: No, they are not snake warning signs.

The Rainbow Serpent from the Aboriginal Dreamtime, the Waugal is pictured on the triangular markers which appear on the Track.  They indicate the direction to be walked.  Though you may see snakes out there, these trail markers simply show you where to walk. Trail markers are spaced up to 500m apart. They are more frequent when there is an intersection with other tracks or when the Track takes a turn.

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Q: When is the best time to walk on the Track with respect to weather and wildflowers?

A: The cooler months are always better so any time between April and early November. It does vary a little and depend on the current conditions. October and November can be hot, cold and all points in between.  Overnight temperatures in late winter and early spring can get down to as low as minus 10 in some areas in the northern half.  The rain usually starts in May (earlier in the south) and the wettest months are usually June and August.  In the northern half we tend to get heavy rain then it stops. There can be lots of drizzle along the south coast.

You can check the weather forecasts and also get historical weather patterns by going to the relevant Section by Section guide.

The wildflower season starts in the north about August and gradually blossom from then on heading south. September and October tend to be the peak times but this can be earlier or later depending on the season in any particular year.  The flowers vary along the Track in terms of variety, abundance and season.

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Q: Is it too hot to walk in the summer?

A: Yes, we think so.

It is strongly recommended that you do not carry out any extended walk between December and the start of March anywhere on the Track.

The Track gets very hot and the bushfire risk is extreme. Temperatures can range from low 30s to mid-40s. In recent years the Track has been severely impacted by bushfires with the destruction of campsites and other structures which fire fighters were not able to save due to the ferocity of the fires. Much of the Track is difficult to access quickly in an emergency and more so during a bushfire.

Please plan to walk outside of these months and avoid putting your life at risk and the lives of those that may need to rescue you.

Day walks in the karri forest can be comfortable on cooler days (temperatures less than 27 degrees). We advise people planning a day walk to check the weather and fire forecasts. If the fire danger is ‘very high’ or above we strongly recommend people don’t go out on the Track, or leave if they are already out. If in doubt, and the weather forecast is for hot and windy conditions, our recommendation is not to go walking. The south coast, although may be cooler, offers little protection from the sun due to the lack of a forest canopy and fire spreads more quickly in open bush and grassland.

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Q: How can I access the Track?

A: The Bibbulmun Track can be accessed by vehicles at designated access points only. The eight individual Bibbulmun Track maps show the car access points indicated by a red car. The eight guidebooks describe each of those points. Red cars indicate vehicle access adjacent to the Track. If there is no red car alongside the roads on the map, then there access is not permitted (read more). You can also use the interactive maps on our website in the Section By Section Guide to view access points.

Public transport: See TransWA for WA regional public transport information or Transperth for Perth metro public transport (to Kalamunda only).

Own transport: Walk out and back (it looks different coming back!). Or you can do a car shuffle by leaving cars at either end of the walk and then picking up the first car on your way home.

Join one of our events:  Check out our Events Calendar. Call us to have it mailed to you twice a year. Walk the Track with trained Bibbulmun Track Foundation guides. We are the people with the most knowledge and experience of the Track.  Better still, any profits from our events go straight back into the ongoing maintenance of the Bibbulmun Track!

Try a Bibbulmun Walking Break! Try one of our Bibbulmun Walking Break itineraries.  Ranging from two to six days, each itinerary includes suggestions for day-walks on the Track, as well as interesting sights and attractions to visit, in and around the Track Towns. Pick one itinerary or join several together to create your own epic, customised Bibbulmun Track holiday adventure.

Join one of our Best of the Bibbulmun guided tours:  These tours include all meals, transport and accommodation in towns and guides. These tours are comprised of series of day walks so there is no heavy pack or overnight camping involved! Choose from the Bibbulmun and Beyond 9-day tour in May or the 8-day Bibbulmun Highlights in September.

Go with another tour operator:  See our Tour operator page. Also check out our Walker Friendly Businesses who support the Track.

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Q: Where can I leave my car in a Track town whilst I complete my walk?

A: There are no specific facilities in any of the Track towns where you can safely leave a car during the duration of your walk. If you have arranged accommodation in a town, this is the best option. Either leave your car at the place of accommodation before you set off, or if you have arranged accommodation in a town at the end of your walk leave it there and organise transport e.g. TransWA bus or a taxi to the start point.

Wherever you leave your car never leave valuables, coins or bags in the car that might attract unwanted attention. Do not leave any indication that you will be away for an extended length of time. It’s a good idea to empty the glove box.

Most walkers avoid the problem altogether, save fuel and have peace of mind by using public transport to get to the start and from the finish of their walk where possible. Public transport is available to Kalamunda (Transperth buses) and by TRANSWA buses to North Bannister, Collie, Balingup, Pemberton, Northcliffe, Walpole, Denmark and Albany. See the “Getting There” section of the relevant Section by Section guide.

Alternatively you can join the Bibbulmun Track Facebook Group and check the list of Track Angels willing to help.

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Q: Is long term parking available?

A: For those of you walking the Track, either end-to-end or for any extended period and are driving from interstate, leaving your car somewhere can be a little difficult.

We would not recommend any street parking in a town or at a Track access point for extended periods.

If you are staying at accommodation pre and post walk, check with your accommodation provider. This would be your best option.

The best option in Perth for long-term parking would be at the airport.

In Albany you could try one of the storage businesses that hold vehicles. For example Locknstore.

Alternatively you can join the Bibbulmun Track Facebook Group and check the list of Track Angels willing to help.

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Q: How accessible is the Track?

A: Due to the nature of the facility the Track is not widely used by people with physical disabilities, however, the Track between the Brookton Highway and Brookton campsite is designed to be wheelchair and pram accessible.  Additionally, the campsite has wheelchair access, an accessible shelter and accessible toilet.

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Q: Why can’t I access the Track using other roads shown on the map?

A: Only access points shown by a red car on the maps can be used.

The other roads shown are often in disease risk areas (DRA). Use of any vehicles in DRA without written permission is illegal because they spread the destructive dieback root disease by transporting spores from the soil.

Some roads are not accessible for safety reasons, accessibility or due to impact of vehicles on conservation values. Walkers are asked to take the details of any vehicles found in DRA and report the registration, make, model and colour to the Foundation even if they are unsure whether the vehicle is permitted to be there or not. See our Track conditions page for more info on dieback and DRA. Remember, vehicles are not permitted at any Track campsite.

Remember, no red car = no access.

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Q: Can I drive to a campsite?

A: No, all campsites are for walkers only and should not be accessed by vehicles of any description other than Parks and Wildlife Service management vehicles.

This has been done to give walkers as natural an experience as possible and to minimise vandalism. Vehicles, trail bikes and mountain bikes can be a problem on the Track. Aside from causing inconvenience and annoyance to walkers they have caused some serious damage to the Track and facilities as well as injury to walkers.

Vehicles, trail bikes and mountain bikes are not permitted on the Bibbulmun Track or at any campsite.

If you ever see any vehicles on the Bibbulmun Track or at any campsite, you are asked to discreetly take note of their registration number, the make, model and colour of the vehicle and the location (be as specific as possible) and report it immediately to the Foundation.  Whether you collect these details or not, please report the offence to us immediately after your walk. Your report contributes to the overall picture for the management of the Bibbulmun Track.

If you are looking for vehicle based camping, visit the Parks and Wildlife Service camping webpage.

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Q: Can I walk on the Track but get a soft bed each night?

A: Absolutely! The Foundation’s Walker Friendly Businesses will be happy to accommodate you. Check out the list by Service or Track Town.

However, it is not possible to walk the whole Track this way as on some sections there are several days of walking between permitted access points (look for the red car on the Bibbulmun Track maps).

Try one of our Bibbulmun Walking Break itineraries where you can plan to stay in towns each night.  Ranging from two to six days, each itinerary includes suggestions for day-walks on the Track, as well as interesting sights and attractions to visit, in and around the Track Towns. Pick one itinerary or join several together to create your own epic, customised Bibbulmun Track holiday adventure.

The Foundation also runs two Best of the Bibbulmun Tours which are based on day walks and include all accommodation, transport and meals.

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Q: Do I need a map?

A: Yes definitely. Having the relevant Guidebook is also a good idea. Each of the eight maps are matched with a relevant Guidebook to be used in conjunction with each other. You can buy any of the maps or guidebooks from our online shop. We also recommend that you take a compass and know how to use it. The Foundation holds navigation courses if you don’t have the skills.

Please do not attempt to walk the Track relying solely on the trail markers as they can be missed or may be missing.

Even though the Track is marked with yellow triangular markers depicting the rainbow serpent or Waugal, it is sometimes possible to miss Track markers for a variety of reasons. Trail markers vary in frequency according to the surroundings but are usually spaced about 500m apart. If there are frequent crossroads you will see more markers. If you have not seen a marker for 10 minutes, then turn around and look the other way as the Track is marked in both directions. If you see one going the other way, you know you are still on the Track. If you don’t, then retrace your steps to the last marker.

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Q: Why are maps not available online for free?

A: The simple answer is that it takes money to keep a free resource “free”. All moneys raised by the sale of maps and Guidebooks are used solely for the upkeep of the Bibbulmun Track. Making them available for free would mean that much needed funds would no longer be available to help keep the Track of a world class standard and free to walk.

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Q: What publications and maps are available for the Track and where can I get them?

A: There are eight maps and eight Guidebooks that cover the Track. Each Guidebook corresponds to the relevant map (for example Guidebook 1 is to be used with Map 1).

In addition there are several publications produced by the Foundation and the Parks and Wildlife Service that will assist you. Visit our online shop to purchase these.

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Q: Where can I obtain the most up-to-date information on Track conditions?

A: You can check the latest Track Conditions in the relevant Section by Section guide. It’s also always a good idea to look at our News webpage. You can also contact the Parks and Wildlife Service district office found in the relevant Section by Section guide.

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Q: Why do diversion maps have such a long date range?

A: The Parks and Wildlife Service plan their fuel reduction burns in advance for a 12 month period.

Although the actual date of the burn isn’t decided until the day of the burn itself, these information maps are made up in advance so that they are ready to go as soon as they are needed.

This allows Parks and Wildlife to disseminate the information to us and to the public much more quickly and efficiently. The maps are also sent to the Parks and Wildlife district offices well in advance so they can be put in the field as soon as the burn takes place.

Consequently the diversion maps will have a long date range covering the entire time that the burn might occur. For example a diversion map might say “This prescribed burn is proposed for some time during Autumn, Winter or Spring 2018” .

This doesn’t mean that the diversion will be in place for that entire date range. Walkers can determine the currency of the burn by looking at the Track conditions in the related section in Section By Section Guide (under Trip Planner).

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Q: How many other people can I expect to see on my walk?

A: The Track is not normally crowded like many other walks around the world.  It is possible that you could meet a few walkers each day or you could see no one for a week.  Sometimes you can share a campsite with other walkers, other times you may pass each other during the day and still spend the night alone.

Long weekends and periods like Easter tend to be busier at particular campsites which have close permitted vehicle access points or are near towns. Also check the Groups on Track tab for each section in the Section By Section Guide.

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Q: What if I get lost, sick or injured?

A: You should leave details of your planned itinerary with a reliable contact at home who will alert the police if you fail to make contact or turn up at an agreed time and they are concerned for your safety. A lone walker who is ill or injured should stay on the Track even if it means spending an unplanned night in the forest. Camp close to the Track so you can be easily found.

Use the Trip intention form and give it to your reliable contact at home.

The Police are the agency responsible for search and rescue in WA and can be contacted by ringing 000. They will usually involve the Parks and Wildlife Service in searches on the Track.

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Q: Do I need to notify anyone? What is the Group Notification?

A: If you are walking in a group of eight or more, and staying overnight at a campsite, then you are requested to complete the Group Notification.  The Group Notification assists in considering the needs and enjoyment of other Track users by preventing overcrowding in campsites and/or potential clashes of expedition dates of groups. While this information remains confidential, it may be used in emergency situations, such as a bushfire.

Other walkers do not need to notify us.  You are advised to leave your itinerary with a trusted family member or friend, who should contact the police if you don’t check in when expected.  In the event of an emergency ring 000.

It is suggested that you always check the latest Track Conditions and also contact the relevant district office for the latest information before your walk. Their contact details are listed in the relevant Section by Section guide.

Walkers should always complete the green log book at each campsite.  This gives vital information regarding your whereabouts to rescue personnel in the event of an emergency.

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Q: Are fires allowed at campsites?

A: Please follow the Code of the Campsite and Leave No Trace principles.

Campfire bans are usually in force from December through to at least March, and sometimes April, along the entire length of the Bibbulmun Track. During campfire bans, walkers are not permitted to light any campfires or wood operated stoves and should carry a fuel stove. Campfire bans are lifted based on weather and other conditions.

Check the Section by Section Guide relevant to the section you are walking for any fire notices. Notices will also appear at campsites.

During the summer months, when bushfires are a very real danger, a total fire ban may be declared. On these days, walkers are not permitted to light any fires whatsoever including lighting a fuel stove. For information about locations of current total fire bans call 1800 709 355 or visit Emergency WA (www.emergency.wa.gov.au/).

If information is not readily available, use your common sense, but be aware of the real danger posed by bushfires. Several kilometres of the Track and some campsites have been damaged or destroyed by bushfires. Please do not light fires other than in the fireplaces provided, and resist lighting fires in summer. In particular, never light fires at or near the tent sites.

A number of campsites on the Track are designated “no fire” sites. These are Yourdamung and Blackwood campsites in the northern half of the Track and all campsites to the south and east of the Shannon River in the southern half, ie Mt Chance campsite to Albany. These are permanent no fire campsites and fuel stoves must be taken.

To help preserve the environment and due to the increasing lack of firewood, use of fuel stoves for cooking is encouraged at all campsites. However, if you do choose to light a wood fire, use the fire ring provided at the campsite. Use only dead wood already on the ground (watch for snakes) and keep the fire small – remember the old Aboriginal saying: The white person makes a big fire and has to sit far away – the black person makes a small fire and sits close.

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Q: How can I minimise my impact on the environment?

A: Walkers are asked to adhere to the Leave No Trace principles and the Code of Campsite when using the Bibbulmun Track.

Remember to leave the Track and its facilities in better condition than you found them. That way you and others will benefit from what the Track has to offer.

Two tips:

  • Don’t put any rubbish into the fire pit or the toilet (you bring it in, you take it out).
  • Don’t throw organic matter into the bush (eg apple cores) as it greatly impacts on the health and indeed survival of our native animals.

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Q: Can I throw biodegradable nappies or sanitary products into the campsite toilets?

A: Most of the toilets at campsites on the Bibbulmun Track have a sealed vault, which means that once they are full we pump them out and dispose at an approved sewerage site. Even the composting toilets use a very basic design that is not suitable for bulk waste, and these too are pumped out if required. Things like nappies or sanitary products could block the pump pipe and can cause significant problems. Biodegradable nappies are supposed to break down, but it is a question of time. Therefore please do not dispose any nappies, sanitary products or any other rubbish, in the toilets. This means you are required to carry them out. Here are some tips for dealing with nappies and sanitary products in the bush.

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Q: Can I take a bike, ride a horse or take a pack animal on the Track?

A: No! The Track is purpose built for walkers only. Illegal use of mountain and trail bikes has eroded the Track badly in some places. These activities are not permitted in DRA and drinking water catchment areas through which the Track passes. If you are interested in mountain biking or off-road cycle touring then visit the Munda Biddi Trail Foundation or contact the Parks and Wildlife Service Recreation and Trails Unit.

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Q: Can I walk the Track with a hiking trailer?

A: The Bibbulmun Track is boots only and there are a number of reasons why.

Much of the Track is in Disease Risk Area where wheeled vehicles transport the Dieback spores much more readily and further than walkers and their boots.

Also, almost all of the Track has not been designed or aligned for that mode of transport. Much effort goes into erosion control but there are many sections where wheeled activity will cause damage.

There are many sections where it is impossible to take any kind of wheeled vehicle across (e.g. where there are boulders to step across and where several trees have come down and are small enough to step across but you wouldn’t be able to lift, for example, a trailer or pram across – the Track is littered with fallen branches).  There are also many areas which are very ecologically sensitive and tyres may do irreparable damage, such as to lichens and moss on rocky areas.

There is one very small section that is exempt from this – a 2.5km section from Brookton Highway to Brookton Campsite is designed for wheelchair accessibility and the campsite is designed with an accessible toilet and table. The Track on this section has been designed for wheelchairs.

Other than that, everyone is expected to carry in everything they require (whether it be for a day walk or multiday walk). This is because vehicle access can only be made at permitted points and no vehicles of any kind are permitted at any campsites. We have many people that walk the Track, whether it be for a morning, or for an eight week end-to-end, and that is determined largely, among other factors, by their ability to do so.

We know of a few people that have tried to use a trailer and have given up early in the piece with one person stating that it took them almost 10 hours to travel 3km on one section.

A more detailed explanation can be found here.

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Q: Can I take my dog on the Track?

A: Dogs, whether on or off the lead, are not permitted in drinking water catchments, National Parks, Conservation Parks or Nature Reserves . Many campsites and a large proportion of the Track fall into these categories.

Furthermore, fox baits are dropped periodically by aeroplane in State Forest and other areas along the Track. If the dried meat 1080 poison (sodium fluoroacetate) baits are picked up by a dog (or a cat), it will lead to a long and painful death. There is no antidote. Don’t take the risk! Click here for more information.

Other reasons to leave your dog at home:

  • Even the most docile dogs are predatory animals and are therefore a threat to protected wildlife
  • Native animals are vulnerable to the diseases that dogs may carry
  • Barking and scents left by dogs can scare wildlife and attract other introduced predators
  • A dog and it’s droppings are a foreign smell that can deter native animals using the area
  • In consideration of other park users

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Q: Are assistance dogs permitted on the Bibbulmun Track?

A: Anyone wishing to take assistance dogs on the Track should liaise with the Recreation and Trails Unit at DBCA’s Parks and Wildlife Service. There are a few conditions to be met and they will also provide you with further information that you need to be aware of.

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Q: What facilities are at the campsites?

A: Each campsite has a three-sided shelter which sleeps between 8-24 people, tent sites, bush toilet (bring your own toilet paper – always), rainwater tank, picnic tables and a fireplace where fires are permitted. For more information check out the Track facilities.

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Q: Do I need to take a tent on the Track?

A: There are 49 campsites along the Track which are spaced a day’s walk apart. There is no booking system for the campsites or shelters. Therefore all walkers wishing to stay on the Track overnight should seriously consider taking a tent in case the shelter is full on arrival. Designated tent sites, located at the campsites, should be used and no camping is permitted between campsites within drinking water catchment areas – i.e. most of the Track between Kalamunda and Collie and south of the Blackwood River.

Furthermore, when a campsite is closed and a diversion in place, a temporary campsite will be located on the diversion. Temporary campsites only have a water tank and toilet but no shelter, so tents are essential.

Tents provide privacy, are far warmer than the shelters and they keep the mosquitos from biting during the night.

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation offers tents for hire.

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Q: Can I camp between campsites?

A: No camping (free camping) is permitted between Bibbulmun Track campsites, where there is no official designated campsite, in National Parks, Conservation Parks or Nature Reserves. This also applies to water catchment areas – ie most of the Track between Kalamunda and Collie, and south of the Blackwood River.

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Q: What is the maximum group number allowed at a campsite?

A: In the interests of minimal impact on the environment, the campsites and other walkers, there should be no more than 17 people in any one group staying overnight at any campsite. Check the Groups on Track tab in the Section By Section Guide for the section you wish to walk. Groups of eight people or more may not occupy a shelter before 6pm.

At the group campsites, Alyi-wa Miya Group Campsite (near Monadnocks), Mt Cooke group campsite, Lyall’s Mill and Arcadia campsites on the Bibbulmun Wellington Spur Trail, the maximum group size is 30.

If you are in a group of eight or more and overnighting at any campsite please complete a Group Notification.

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Q: How much water do I need to take per day?

A: Two litres of water is recommended for a full day’s walk in cooler weather and at least three litres in temperatures above 28 degrees. This is obviously very subjective and walkers should become familiar with their own water requirements. Walkers should avoid walking in temperatures above the high 20’s unless in the karri forest where the canopy and dense forest provides respite from the heat and sun. See walking in summer below.

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Q: Do I need to sterilise the water from the water tanks?

A: Yes, this is advised. Some walkers have fallen ill from drinking untreated water.  You can either boil it or contact our equipment sponsors for other suggestions. We recommend treating water with chemical sterilisers or with a UV light such as a Steripen.

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Q: Are there any snakes on the Track?

A: Oh yes! Snakes are quite common and can be seen almost anywhere along the Track, especially in late winter and spring, near the south coast and in damp swampy areas. The heavy footfalls of a walker are usually enough to frighten them away before they are seen. An exception to this can be on unseasonally warm days in late winter and spring when any snakes, which curl up for a long sleep during cold weather, will be sluggish if they are around. In this state they are more likely to feel threatened and, if encountered, the walker should steer well clear of them. Tiger snakes, which are highly venomous, are fairly common near swamps, wetlands and karri forest while dugites occur in drier areas anywhere.

Don’t scrabble about in thick undergrowth for firewood, take special care with small children and wear sturdy shoes and thick socks. Most bites occur on the ankle or lower leg, so wearing gaiters, thick socks and sturdy boots will help prevent envenomation from possible snake bites. Ensure that your first aid kit includes a snake bite bandage. See the first aid tips on our Health, Hygiene and Safety webpage. 

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Q: What pests are there?

A: March flies and ticks in late spring or summer, mosquitoes, sand flies and midges are common most of the year in varying quantities. Insect repellent or covering up is recommended. A mosquito net is also useful in the open fronted shelters or some walkers use the shell (sealed inner) from their tent. Protection from mosquitoes is essential to prevent possible infection with Ross River Virus. Yet another reason to carry a tent with you! Refer to the Health, Hygiene and Safety webpage for more information on pests.

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Q: Can I access beaches on the south coast directly from the Track?

A: Consult Guidebooks 7 and 8 and the corresponding Track maps as the Track does traverse beaches in a number of places on the south coast. Guidebooks 7 and 8 point out beach access points from the cliff path. Never attempt to access the beach unless on a clearly defined trail (see safety section regarding rips and beach walking in the Bibbulmun Track Handbook.

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Q: How do I cross the inlets indicated on the southern maps?

A: Check the current conditions for each inlet crossing in the Section by Section guide for Walpole and Denmark/Albany. There you will find advice on how to make the crossings. Also consult the related Guidebooks and maps. There are canoes at the Irwin Inlet. The Torbay and Parry Inlet channels may need to be waded with care during certain times of the year and may be closed in dangerous conditions. The Wilson Inlet sandbar maybe crossed at certain times but check the Denmark/Albany Section by Section guide for issues, conditions and other options. Some inlets have a sand bar for varying periods during the year which makes crossing no problem. If a sandbar has not formed then sometimes lengthy diversions are in place. You need to do your research here before you go folks!

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Q: What equipment/food should I take?

A: The food and equipment pages are a good start. The Foundation also offers a food cooking workshop (Food In A Fuel Stove) and various seminars to assist. Check out our Calendar of Events.

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Q: Can I bring my dehydrated food into Western Australia?

A: Western Australia has very strict quarantine laws regarding bringing food into the State from both overseas and interstate.

Commercially produced and packaged foods are generally subject to inspection on arrival in WA for insect infestation.

Home dried (dehydrated) products are usually seized. Home-dried fruit is usually not acceptable unless the inspector is satisfied that the product is dried to the same standards as commercially dried fruit.

Also if the food is cooked and then fully dried to the inspector’s satisfaction, then it may be allowed in.

So unfortunately there is no definitive answer as ultimately it will depend on the decision by the inspector at the point of entry into WA.

We ask that walkers who choose to bring their own dehydrated food into WA, consider the prospect that all their food may be seized.

We suggest that walkers contact the department directly after reading the FAQs at the Dept of Agriculture.

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Q: Where can I purchase food and stove fuel on the route?

A: There are nine towns along the Track (see Track Towns) which provide a range of supply options. Some towns have supermarkets, others have a general store only with very limited supplies. The quantity and type of supplies that each of the smaller towns carry varies depending on a range of factors. We suggest you contact us with your specific query.

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Q: How can I have food drops delivered?

A: Some walkers prepare for their long walk by organising food drops so that less food has to be carried, particularly on the longer sections between towns such as Kalamunda to Dwellingup, Dwellingup to Collie and Northcliffe to Walpole. Walkers can also deliver their food to the Track Towns which allows greater certainty of supplies for the next section. While you can often rely on supplies from businesses in the town, food drops provide another option.

There are a few ways this can be done.

  • Have someone meet you at permitted vehicle access points along the Track (or in towns) to deliver your food drop and stove fuel. They can also take your rubbish. Remember to only access the Track where there is a red car marked on the official maps. Friends and family may wish to do this and possibly even walk a small section with you. If you are not from WA and there isn’t anyone that can do this for you, you can always try one of our Walker Friendly Businesses in the nearest town or perhaps ask a Trail Angel on the Bibbulmun Track Facebook Group.
  • You can post food drops to the town you are staying in or indeed, as some walkers do, drive to each town before starting your walk to deliver the parcels. It is best to post your food parcel well in advance to the accommodation that you are staying at in the town. Ensure that you contact them first and advise them of your intentions. Some places have size restrictions.


Please keep in mind that you can’t leave or bury food along the Track or at any campsites. Food left out on the Track will be considered as rubbish and may be removed by rangers or volunteers. Also there have been instances where the food has been taken by animals including both feral and native animals which, in the case of native animals, is likely to cause major health issues for them. Food at campsites also attracts vermin. Please follow the Leave No Trace Principles.

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Q: How do I fit my overnight backpack?

A: Visit our Equipment and Hire webpage and click on the link for the video showing you how to fit and adjust your pack.

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Q: Are there any organised walks on the Bibbulmun Track?

A: Absolutely!

  1. Check out our Calendar of Events. It is published twice a year. Contact us to have it sent to you when it is released. Also our Social Sunday Walks are a great way to meet other walkers – they are free for members.
  2. Join one of our fully accommodated and catered Best of the Bibbulmun 8 or 9-day tours.

Walk the Track with trained Bibbulmun Track Foundation guides. We are the people with the most knowledge and experience of the Track. Better still, any profits from our events go straight back into the ongoing maintenance of the Bibbulmun Track!

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Q: I really want to walk the entire length of the Track. Where do I start?

A: Fantastic!  To begin with, visit our end-to-enders webpage. There you will discover where you can find information to begin preparing for the adventure of a lifetime!

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Q: Which way should I do my end-to-end? Kalamunda to Albany or Albany to Kalamunda?

A: This can depend on when you are starting. If you are starting in autumn, we suggest walking from Albany to Kalamunda. This is so that you are walking away from the approaching winter on the south coast. Conversely if you are starting in spring, then walk away from the approaching warmer temperatures in the north and make your way to Albany. There can be other reasons why you might walk in one direction as opposed to another.  Taking advantage of our trip planning advice service may help you decide.

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Q: How do I commemorate completing the whole Track?

A: Even if you tackle the Track in stages over many years, once you have walked the entire length, you are entitled to become a registered end-to-ender.

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Q: Do mobile phones work out on the Track?

A: Increasingly the signal range is getting better. However, even 4G phones have limited reception on the Track, usually either near towns or on some hill tops.  Telstra has the best coverage over the entire length of the Track.Optus is fair and most others are very poor. Mobile phones should never be used as the primary means of emergency contact. We recommend people carry a PLB (Personal Locating Beacon) or similar on longer walks, particularly if they are walking on their own. The Foundation hires these out, but people are advised to book them early as they are in high demand.

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Q: What is DBCA and the Parks and Wildlife Service?

A: The Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM), the manager of the Bibbulmun Track, and the Department of Environment (DoE) amalgamated on July 1st 2006 to become the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). On July 1st 2013 the name was changed to the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW).

On July 1st 2017, DPaW was relocated under the newly formed Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and became known as the Parks and Wildlife Service. Whilst DBCA’s Parks and Wildlife Service continues to act as the manager of the Track, the Foundation, a non-profit organisation, ensures that the Track remains a long distance walk trail of international significance and quality.

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Q: What sort of weather can I expect on my walk?

A: You might want to check out the weather history for each of the sections you are going to walk. The weather link in each of the Section by Section guides will give you averages and history of weather for that town (temperatures and rainfall) as well as a seven day forecast.

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Q: The Track is free, so how can I show my support?

A: You can show your support by supporting the Bibbulmun Track Foundation. There are many ways you can do this. For example, become a member, make a donation, leave a bequest, become a volunteer or even become a sponsor.

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Q: Are there GPX files of the Track?

A: Yes!


Walkers can now download a GPX file of the Bibbulmun Track from the the DBCA website. These are available for personal use only.

For safety reasons you should still take a map or map and Guidebook with you on your walk. Technology can fail and there are instances where it has done so.

Please also be aware of unofficial websites offering coordinates for the Track and campsites. We have found some to be quite inaccurate.

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Q: Can I use a drone on the Track

A: The use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAs) – drones – on departmental lands and waters requires Lawful Authority. As such, the use of a drone on the Bibbulmun Track requires permission.

Please visit DBCA’s Parks and Wildlife Service website for information including an application form for Lawful Authority.

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Q: Question not answered?

A: If you have a question that hasn’t been answered in the FAQs, be sure to contact us with any query you may have.

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