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Along The Track

These pages provide a snapshot about each section of the Track, the natural and human history and a brief overview of local history, landscapes and special points of interest.

For information about the towns that the Bibbulmun Track passes through, see the section by section guide under Trip Planner.

Click here for Information about flora and fauna.

Dookanelly Campsite
Dookanelly Campsite

  • The Darling Range »

    Located in the Perth hills, 24km east of the centre of Perth, the Bibbulmun Track Northern Terminus in Kalamunda is the starting point for walkers heading south. The Darling Range provides plenty of opportunities for day walkers and weekenders with plenty of access points and the first few campsites only 10km apart. The Track passes through a mix of jarrah, marri and wandoo forests, the latter providing open woodlands giving walkers and immense sense of space. The views from Helena, Waalegh and Beraking campsites are outstanding. Sit high up on Abyssinia Rock and watch the sunset or perhaps sit in silence atop Mt Vincent, Mt Cuthbert or Mt Cooke and just absorb it all! Some challenging sections can be found here including at the very start in Kalamunda. Through walkers will need to plan ahead as there are no re-supply points until Dwellingup – some 12 days away – other than a roadhouse at North Bannister.

  • Dwellingup »

    The Murray River rapids remind us of the force of nature whilst its tranquil pools invite us for a cooling swim. As walkers easily stroll along the flat old railway formations it is easy to imagine the busy-ness of times gone by when steam trains chugged along the same place that your foot falls now. Conversely, the steep hills that challenge some walkers in the Murray River Valley will focus attention on the changing nature of the Australian bush and how well deserved a rest at the next campsite will be. A longer section between towns – seven days/ six nights – this section gives walkers a feeling of being a little more remote – a walker can struggle to find a phone signal here… bliss!

  • Collie »

    Heading south from Collie, walkers have in mind that the next town, Balingup, and indeed civilisation as one walks is not far away. Not far south of Collie the Bibbulmun Wellington Spur trail joins the main Track. The spur trail connects the Track with Wellington Dam to the west and has two group campsites. Glen Mervyn Dam is a great place to cool off or just watch the sunlight reflect off the ripples. Across the dam wall and onto the tiny settlement of Mumballup walkers are rewarded with the Mumballup Forest Tavern – a different kind of oasis! It isn’t long before walkers are rewarded with views over the Preston Valley and the prospect of walking through one of the best stands of virgin jarrah forest in the south west. There are parts of the Track here that can get inundated during late winter so make sure those boots are water-proof! The descent to Balingup Brook is steep but the walk along the brook and into the village of Balingup is picturesque with rolling green hills and open landscape – cappuccino and a muffin anyone?

  • Balingup »

    Another short section between towns, this section of Track is known as a section of transition. For the first time, south-bound walkers will see trees that appear nowhere else in the world. The jarrah, marri and yarri forests soon give way to the majestic karri forest, the second tallest flowering gum in the world. This transition signifies the reaching of the halfway point along the Track – a fabulous milestone for the end-to-end walker. An early morning at the Blackwood campsite, perched high above the Blackwood River, is typically characterised by the rising and falling mist in the valley below, whilst warming rays of sunshine penetrate the pine trees to the east. Walker encounter the famous cardiac hill as they descend to the Blackwood River. There will always be much discussion around the many campsite campfires whether it is easier going up or down! At Gregory Brook campsite, the brook bubbles by as walkers look high up to the flowering banksias in the spring. Following a few more rail formations, walkers soon arrive at the small village at Donnelly River – time to take off the boots, relax on the verandah of the general store and watch the emus and kangaroos try to steal your ice cream!

  • Donnelly River »

    The Donnelly River is a companion for much of this section as the Track wends its way through the river valley. This translates into some very challenging walking on some parts. In fact it has some of the toughest hills on the Track in one area. It is balanced though with riverside campsites, restful swimming holes and some of the best old-growth karri forest in the south west. In late spring this section comes alive with colour and walkers will be amazed at the variety of flowering plants. The challenge of the hills is diminished a little by the easy walks along the old rail formations. Indeed there is much forest railway history along the Donnelly. How many old trestle bridges across the river can you spot along the way? Further south Carey Brook offers a great spot for lunch with its cascading waterfall – a precursor to the larger waterfall at Beedelup Falls. Walkers soon reach Pemberton but not before traversing the crystal clear waters and bird life at Big Brook Dam. Through walkers will need to carry food for five days on this section.

  • Pemberton »

    The walk from Pemberton to Northcliffe is well known for pleasant walking through the karri forest. As it’s only a three day, two night walk between towns it is the perfect section for a quick getaway. It boast the famous Gloucester Tree which is well worth a climb – but take off your pack before you climb the 61 metres to the top!

  • Northcliffe »

    Between Northcliffe and Walpole, walkers heading south will once again reach a few milestones; the diverse ecosystems of the Pingerup Plains, the last of the campsites with campfires allowed and, most significantly, the first encounter with the wild southern ocean. This is the most wilderness section of the southern part of the Track, with fewer bitumen roads and almost no civilisation for eight days.

  • Walpole »

    This section gives walkers the best mix of forest and coast as well as some of the most challenging days on the entire Track. Starting in the magnificent karri and tingle forest southbound walkers are led to the rugged and wild south coast for the second time. Between Peaceful Bay and Denmark there is a mix of long beaches, soft and steep sand dunes, heathland and some forest.

  • Denmark/Albany »

    Denmark to Albany is an easier coastal section to walk than Peaceful Bay to Denmark. Walkers will need to plan ahead before crossing the Wilson and Torbay Inlets. This section offers sheltered swimming spots and some of the best uninterrupted scenery along the south coast. Views of the windfarm from the West Cape Howe National Park are a signal to southbound walkers that they are approaching the southern terminus and the end of their walk in Albany.