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The Loss of a Great Sponsor

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the loss of the Foundation’s very first sponsor, Mountain Designs, due to the closure of their stores across Australia.

When the team working on the Bibbulmun Track in the late 1990’s; Jess Brampton and Mike Wood (then owner of Perth Mountain Designs Franchise) among them decided to start the Foundation, Mountain Designs gave it a home in the rear of their building on Hay Street. This was integral to the success of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation. As well as the security of free office space, Mountain Designs gifted all the initial hire gear and could be relied upon to come up with the goods and prizes for things like the volunteer rewards and raffle prizes.

Many of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation’s potential sponsors took heart at seeing a respected company like Mountain Designs already sponsoring the Foundation and came on board and supported the Foundation as well. Both organisations benefited from the credibility they created. It is unusual for a NGO like the Bibbulmun Track Foundation to have the same sponsor for 20 years.

We would like to thank Mountain Designs and the Nunn family. The rise of online shopping has already had far reaching consequences for the retail sector and we wish them well in their future endeavours.

Thank you for playing such a significant role in the history of the Foundation.