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Thanks to all our volunteers in 2020

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – the Foundation really couldn’t achieve what it does without the work of all our volunteers. Whether holding the fort in the office, carrying out Track inspection and maintenance, guiding events, collecting and processing Track user statistics, and more – every one of our nearly 450 volunteers is truly appreciated.

To recognise this contribution, all volunteers were invited to a “thank you” morning tea on 15 November. This annual event includes the acknowledgement of volunteer contributions made during the previous year, as well as the recognition of long-standing volunteers. It’s an opportunity to share the successes and challenges of the year, and catch up with other lovers of the Track.

Volunteer Manager Helen Grimm thanked volunteers for their efforts during the year – for continuing their contribution if they were able during the period of ‘lockdown’ and travel restrictions, and for making up for lost time when restrictions lifted. She thanked all volunteers for their ongoing commitment and dedication, especially when working in isolation from the core of the organisation.

Volunteers also heard from Board Chair Kath Broderick, and from Support Volunteer coordinator Charlie Soord about some of the projects completed during the year.

Regional events were also held in Albany (for Albany District volunteers) and Peaceful Bay (for Frankland District volunteers).