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Student presentations – Bush Rangers

It is always great to received positive feedback from organisations who have benifited from one of our services. Late last year one of our trained presenters visited the Bush Rangers from Emmanuel Catholic College to share with them some key points before they headed out on their camp. Some of the topics covered included expedition planning using maps, minimal impact guidelines (Leave No Trace), food suggestions, equipment for overnight walking and first aid and safety.

I just thought I would let you know that my Year 8 Bush Rangers Unit completed their walk from Fern Road through to the Perth Hills Campsite on the 15 November 2018 on a rather hot day. Oh and they did it with a little 2 hour detour as they went the wrong way at the beginning of the track (they were heading to Kalamunda!). We did stop and say a prayer of thanks when we saw that the Mundaring Weir bridge was open and we wouldn’t have to climb all the stairs down and back up again!

The students were constantly reminding each other of things you mentioned in your talk to them – stay together as a group, we need to slow down and walk together, our breaks start when the last person gets here! I honestly believe your presentation did a lot for them.

Our section leaders did an amazing job and managed to navigate the students all the way to the finish line where we had extra ice-creams waiting for the very hot crew. The camp was so successful that we are going to run it again in the same format this year. We will be in touch with you to ask you to come out and speak to the new batch of Bush Rangers.

Thank you again for your assistance and knowledge – it was greatly appreciated.

We are really glad the presentation had a positive impact and that the school will be doing it again.

If you would like to book a presentation for your group please check out our website for further information or contact us.