We have recently updated our website.

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The Bibbulmun Track Foundation handles any personal contact details collected as a result of enquiries, membership, merchandise orders, event bookings etc. in the strictest confidence. Details are not added to our database if you purchase merchandise from us as a guest. Your details will be added to our mailing and emailing list if you purchase any other products, become a member, ask to be sent general information and/or ask specifically to be added. Our database is not sold or passed onto any other party, except for a contracted bulk mailing house responsible for processing Bibbulmun Track Foundation mail-outs (such as the Bibbulmun News magazine). This is a one-off usage and the database is not retained by the bulk mailing house. We do not make your details, including your email address, available to any other person, company or organisation without your express permission. If you supply us with your postal or email address you may receive periodic mailings from the Bibbulmun Track Foundation with information about the Bibbulmun Track, the Bibbulmun Track Foundation, or affiliated organisations or projects. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please let us know by contacting us and your details will be removed from our database.