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Peter Hewett remembered as his daughters finish End-to-End

On Wednesday 9th October, Carolyn Riordan and Penni Ellis took the final steps of an incredible end-to-end to raise awareness and funds for the Lung Foundation Australia; and as a tribute to their father’s epic contribution to the creation of the Bibbulmun Track.

Carolyn Riordan and Penni Ellis
Carolyn Riordan and Penni Ellis

Their father, Peter Hewett, was the Superintendent at the Forests Department at the time the Track was being proposed. He was instrumental in ensuring district offices in the south west supported the formation of a long-distance walk trail. The first campsite from the northern end, Hewett’s Hill, is named after him.

Peter Hewett, formerly of the Forrests Department, who was instrumental in the early days of the track
Peter Hewett, formerly of the Forrests Department, who was instrumental in the early days of the track

Carolyn was diagnosed with stage-4 lung cancer in May 2018 despite having never smoked. She, and her sister Penni, decided it was time to walk the length of the Track to raise awareness of the disease, raise funds for the Lung Foundation, as well to honour their father. As Carolyn is still receiving treatment for her lung cancer, it meant that the walk needed to fit in with medical appointments in Sydney. Their amazing feat was celebrated at an event in Kalamunda’s Zig Zag Centre organised by the Lung Foundation and supported by the Bibbulmun Track Foundation office staff. Supported by friends, family and the Lung Foundation, Carolyn has already raised funds well above her target and will generously donate 10% of these to the BTF. 100% of all donations to the BTF go to the Track.

Mark Brooke, CEO Lung Foundation Australia
Mark Brooke, CEO Lung Foundation Australia
Senator Ken Wyatt addressing the group
Senator Ken Wyatt addressing the group

Carolyn and sister Penni ringing the Bibb Track bell and and with certificates. Framed photos of their father in background.
Carolyn and sister Penni ringing the Bibb Track bell and and with certificates. Framed photos of their father in background.
Jim Freeman relating memories of Peter Hewett
Jim Freeman relating memories of Peter Hewett

There are many ways to donate – Donate Online; Donate by Phone – Call us on (08) 9481 0551 – have your credit card details on hand to donate over the phone; or Donate by Mail – Post a cheque or money order to us at Bibbulmun Track Foundation, 300 Wellington Street, Perth WA 6000.

Federal Member for Hasluck, Ken Wyatt walked the final stages of the Bibbulmun Track with Carolyn Riordan. Read more here…