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Perth Schoolgirl Sets Bibbulmun Track Record


Zara White on the Bibbulmun Track
Zara White on the Bibbulmun Track


Seventeen year old Peppermint Grove schoolgirl Zara White has become the youngest person ever to complete WA’s gruelling Bibbulmun Track solo.

The Year 11 student took just 54 days to complete the 1000-kilometre walk from Kalamunda to Albany – leaving on October 2 and arriving in Albany on November 24.

Zara took only four rest days during the epic adventure, sometimes walking more than 38 kilometres in a single day.

She also took the opportunity to raise funds to support the Bibbulmun Track Foundation during its 25th Anniversary year – raising more than $11,000.

Recognised as one of the world’s great long-distance walk trails the Bibbulmun Track passes through some of south west WA’s most spectacular scenery, including Dwellingup, Balingup, Pemberton, Walpole and Denmark.

“When she first said she wanted to do this we were a little concerned, but she had walked large sections of the track with the family before, so we know she had the physical and mental strength to do it,” said mum Meaghan.

“We are very proud of her.”

Bibbulmun Track Foundation chair Kath Broderick said that when Zara walked into Albany she would also walk into the record books as the youngest solo Bibbulmun Track “End to End” walker ever recorded.

“It is an incredible achievement and not without its challenges,” Ms Broderick said.

“We wish Zara all the best for her next journeys in life and thank her for her generous support.”

Zara camped in a tent during her adventure, receiving food drops at major towns – every 5-8 days