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User Survey Statistics

In 2017, Parks & Wildlife Services asked the Bibbulmun Track Foundation Board to consider the Foundation’s long-term outlook for the Track and to assist with the development of a works program for the next 10 to 20 years.
Members and volunteers were invited to contribute to the discussion by completing a survey and attend a workshop in late November 2017.  The full report can be downloaded from the link below.

Bibbulmun Track Vision survey  (pdf 3Mb)


From time to time the Bibbulmun Track Foundation, in conjunction with the Department of Parks and Wildlife, conducts user surveys to determine current usage patterns of the Bibbulmun Track.
During 2014 and 2015 a survey spanning 12 months was conducted, the details of which can be downloaded from the links below.

2015 User Survey Snapshot  (pdf 1Mb)

2015 User Survey Report (2Mb)

Fact Sheet – google Street View Trekker (pdf 202KB)