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Waalegh Campsite benefits from Western Walking Club legacy

Despite the pandemic and lockdown, the Support Volunteers started 2020 on a high note by completing the Waalegh shelter extension.

Waalegh is in the Disease Risk Area which requires a three-day period without rain before vehicle entry. Fortunately, but perversely, the expected autumn rains were late and sporadic so in early May a week’s fine weather following showers allowed a Mundaring Parks and Wildlife crew to truck several tonnes of timber, concrete, hardware and roofing materials into the campsite.

With more fine weather forecast the nine-person SV team set up camp on the following Sunday and by that evening had demolished the front of the shelter ready the next chapter in its life.

Waalegh was constructed in October-November 1994, during the Track redevelopment, by a prison crew that assembled timber and panels prefabricated in their workshop. Being in the best location one could hope for on the Track Waalegh has experienced continued heavy use so an extension to provide more undercover area was obvious and in keeping with member feedback from the 2017 Vision Survey.

After six days the roof was bigger, plumbing upgraded, bunk space doubled, seating and tables vastly improved, floor sealed and all timber preserved. This project entailed 18 months of detailed checking, planning and coordination with some on-site modifications required to get around minor problems that happen with most jobs. The team was really happy with the result and hopes that walkers will enjoy the much improved campsite.

Special thanks go to Western Walking Club for a generous $10,000 donation. A plaque has been installed at the Northern Terminus in memory of club member Cyril Brown who’s bequest enabled the club to make the donation.

From L to R: BTF Board member and support volunteer Charlie Soord with Western Walking Club members David Foster, Jessica Wolff and Club President Karen Tyson.
From L to R: BTF Board member and support volunteer Charlie Soord with Western Walking Club members David Foster, Jessica Wolff and Club President Karen Tyson.

Sincere thank also to P&WS Operations Officer, Rebecca Hamilton; Works Coordinator, Gary Doust and Recreation and Trails Unit Coordinator, Kerstin Stender for their support.

Huge thanks also to BTF support volunteers Charlie Soord and Mark Davidson for project managing the upgrade.