We have recently updated our website.

If you spot something that is out of place or you experience problems please use our contact form to let us know.

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Thanks to everyone that responded to the survey requesting feedback on our website. We received over

Thanks to everyone that responded to the survey requesting feedback on our website. We received over 100 responses with some great suggestions which will help us design our new site. Thank you!

Congratulations to Sarah McNamara of Albany who completed the survey and won an X-bowl donated by Sea to Summit.

Here is a sample of the feedback received:

What do you like about the site?
• Extremely useful information, contains everything you need to know
• I like the trip planner section and the pics
• Warm colour combinations. Natural and indigenous look.
• The main menu is always effective and gets you where you need to go quickly. The black bars/ drop down menu is good
• User friendly. Any information I have ever wanted was there or linked to another site
• Logically organised
• Things happen as soon as you open the first page
• Things have dates so you know how long they have been up for
• It’s a one stop shop
• Clear and simple to read if you are in a hurry
• Keep up the good work I say

Is the information you are looking for easy to find?
Very easy 35%
Easy 56%
Ok 6%
Could be easier 3%
Could be much easier 2%

What can we improve on?
• Put walk with friends events up online
• Get rid of the white gaps either side
• Under track conditions maybe people can have a spot where they can add some input – they can leave notes of their experience and any problems. These notes would be much more valuable than notices from DEC.
• Please include captions on the flora pics so we know what they are
• More news items – perhaps have excerpts from the Track registers
• Some you tube type videos of the various topics would be great eg someone explaining the equipment they take, how they pack it etc.
• More testimonials
• Events could be more prominent with photos
• Encourage more diary entries from end-to-enders
• A member log in section and also online event bookings to confirm your place on the event

Thanks for such great feedback. We have already taken steps to improve our current site. For example there is a you tube video on how to fit a backpack. We also have the list of the Walk With Friends with a downloadable booking form. We will also be looking to add things like a member’s only section to our new site.

Keep your eyes open for our new website.