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South Coast Track Stabilisation finally starts

After more than two years of surveys, planning and grant applications the Support Volunteers were ready to start Campaign 1 in late March. Along came COVID-19.

Regional boundary restrictions were lifted in late May enabling a 12-person SV team to mobilise to Peaceful Bay and start Campaign 1 in fine weather they couldn’t have hoped for.



Two short trial sections constructed in late 2019 near Rame Head campsite provided valuable feedback and the team spent some time discussing improved methods on the first morning before walking on to where the work started. Regular showers kept the team cool the lucky ones being rewarded with a rainbow.



Over the following four days the team installed many metres of coir mesh, hundreds of 100% recycled polypropylene track pads, pine steps and star pickets.



The team, with a few new faces, remobilised in late June for Campaign 2 the aim being to complete Conspicuous Cliffs before embarking on stabilisation in Quarram Nature Reserve and at Mt Hillier later in the year.

Again particular thanks goes to Peter Masters and team from DBCA’s Frankland District particularly the crew who, in June, carried 20 large pine poles, each about 30kg, into stockpiles 1 and 2 so the SVs could install them the following week. Support volunteers Hedley Amos, Gary and Sandra Ceriani, Tony Cole, Mark Davidson, Phil Lehman, Christian Mau, Lari McDonald, Tim McGrath, Geoff Meates, Nigel Pilgrim, Ian Rae, Gordon Roberts, Ross Simpson, Charlie Soord, Alex Williams and Paul Harris. Special mention must be made of Jing Xie who worked on both campaigns as well as cooking dinners for Campaign 2.

Thanks to Peaceful Bay Chalet owners who provided accommodation at a generous discount.