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Raffle funds to help restoration of Long Gully Bridge

Also known as Asquith Bridge, the heritage listed bridge has significant historic value to the State as being one of the longest curved timber railway bridges remaining. It is an outstanding example of the technical and design expertise of the Western Australian Government Railways, and one of the finest railway bridges built in WA.

The 28 span, 127.88 metre long, curved timber trestle construction bridge urgently requires significant repairs and maintenance to retain its integrity and preservation.

Not only does the bridge’s heritage and aesthetic values enhance and enrich the overall experience for Bibbulmun Track walkers, Long Gully Bridge is essential for the Bibbulmun Track as there is no viable alternative for crossing the Murray River.

Work required includes fungal and white ant treatment, replacement of timber decking and stingers – and much more. Due to the height of the bridge work can only be carried out in summer months as platforms will be required to access much of the bridge.

Both the Foundation and DEC have tried to get funding for this project – however, the competition for heritage grants is fierce and there are no other avenues for bridges that we can find. We are allocating 100% of the funds raised from our raffle towards this project so please buy a ticket and help us to prevent this beautiful bridge from degrading futher! Raffle closes on June 18th!

Long Gully (Asquith) Bridge