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National Reconciliation Week 2021

The Bibbulmun Tack winds its way through Nyoongar Boodjar and we are continually astounded at the beauty and wonder of this incredible country.

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation is committed to the protection of the natural, cultural and heritage values of the Track, encouraging community participation, and developing opportunities for tourism, employment and education.

Hikers setting off from the Northern Terminus - Off The Beaten Track WA
Hikers setting off from the Northern Terminus

We recognise that we have an important role to play in reconciliation and we are committed to working through an appropriate reconciliation planning process.

Our interpretation committee is seeking ways to progress our reconciliation plan. As a start, we are working on:

  • Learning about Noongar culture and history.
  • Providing cultural awareness training for staff and volunteers.
  • Examining our systems and processes through a reconciliation lens, and, for example, incorporating acknowledgement of Country in all our activities.
  • Identifying opportunities for cultural interpretation along the Track.

This year in National Reconciliation Week May 27-June 3 we view reconciliation as more than a word, and we commit to action.

Dr Kathleen Broderick
Chair, Bibbulmun Track Foundation

The Bibbulmun Spirit Poles sculptures at the entry to the Bibbulmun Track are a conceptual interpretation of the six language groups of the South West as created by Sharyn Egan. The leaf shaped panels refer to the Coolamon, an indigenous carrying vessel.
The Bibbulmun Spirit Poles sculptures at the entry to the Bibbulmun Track are a conceptual interpretation of the six language groups of the South West as created by Sharyn Egan. The leaf shaped panels refer to the Coolamon, an indigenous carrying vessel.


Bibbulmun Track Foundation

National Reconciliation Week
27 May to 3 June
More than a Word. reconciliation takes action.
‘Reconciliation Australia’s theme for 2021, More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action.
Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.’


Olman Walley at Northern Terminus February 2017
Olman Walley at Northern Terminus February 2017