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Miracle at Murray Campsite

On January 6, a devastating bushfire swept through the section south of Dwellingup which then spread to Waroona and Yarloop.

Much of the Track was affected and the section remains closed due to the very real risk of death from falling trees.

We are happy to say that while some damage was sustained, the shelter and toilet at Murray campsite still stand.

This was a severe fire and it is amazing to see that the shelter survived it. It (along with Canning Campsite in another fire) came within a whisker of burning to the ground.

We wish to thank all involved in fighting this horrific blaze which destroyed so many people’s homes and property.

The area is still unsafe and the Track, along with Murray Campsite, will be closed for quite some time yet. Assessors still need to go in and check the site.

We may also assume that water in the tank is unsafe to drink as the heat may have melted the plastic liner in the water tank.

It is extremely unsafe for walkers to go to the campsite or the closed section of the Track. Please, stay away.

Click for more information.

The shelter at Murray Campsite
The shelter at Murray Campsite

Fire comes dangerously close to the shelter
Fire comes dangerously close to the shelter