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Maintenance volunteer activities

Sectional maintenance volunteers for the northern parts of the Track recently headed out to take part in their annual District Field Day. Volunteers visited Beraking campsite (Perth Hills district of PaWS) and Possum Springs campsite (Wellington district) to give the shelter and campsite a facelift. Maintenance manager Sue Morley took some brand-new volunteers for a training session in Track maintenance while others got stuck into the work.

At Beraking, tasks included renewing the finish on the cladding, bed platforms and picnic tables; upgrading the campsite signage; fixing water pipes; and some roof repairs. Several people got involved in raking up leaf litter all around the shelter and found that it’s harder work than it looks!

Huge thanks to Charlie Soord for coordinating the work and equipment, and other Support Volunteers for assisting with some of the more technical tasks.

Track maintenance training
Track maintenance training
Volunteers work on the shelter
Volunteers work on the shelter

A hive of activity at the Beraking field day
A hive of activity at the Beraking field day

At Possum Springs the following weekend, the rain held off long enough for a smaller group of Wellington district volunteer to complete similar tasks. As a rammed earth structure there was no cladding to worry about; restocking the firewood pile was a good alternative task!

Thanks once again to Mark Davidson for coordinating the work and equipment for this Field Day.

Smiles all round
Smiles all round
Charmaine helps top up the firewood
Charmaine helps top up the firewood

Field Day participants at Possum Springs
Field Day participants at Possum Springs

The next Field Days will be on the south coast at the end of May – at Sandpatch campsite (Albany district) and Mount Chance campsite (Frankland district).