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Lotterywest grant to boost cultural awareness on the Bibbulmun Track

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation’s efforts to increase awareness and understanding of Nyoongar culture on the Bibbulmun Track has been given a boost by a Lotterywest grant of $10,600. The presentation was made by Matthew Hughes MLA, State MP for Kalamunda at the Northern Terminus of the Bibbulmun Track.

Foundation Executive Director, Linda Daniels said that the grant was for consultation with aboriginal artists to create a design representing the 1000-kilometre Track which stretches between Kalamunda in the Perth Hills to Albany on the South Coast.

‘The route of the Bibbulmun Track has been overlaid onto the AIATSIS map of Indigenous Australia” she said. “While boundaries are not finite, the Foundation has been able to identify which of the eight language groups to acknowledge at each of the 49 campsites along the Track and wishes to use the artwork on the signs and interpretation booklets which will be placed in the shelters.”

The Foundation is also working with an Aboriginal tourism business to develop and promote guided experiences on the Track. The inaugural walks will give Foundation staff and volunteers the opportunity to learn more about Nyoongar culture and bush interpretation.

Watch a short video clip here.

Photo: At the Northern Terminus of the Bibbulmun Track. From L to R: Matthew Hughes MLA, State MP for Kalamunda with the Foundation’s Executive Director, Linda Daniels and Marketing Manager, Ash Gibson.