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Landscope discount for BTF members

LANDSCOPE is WA’s PARKS, WILDLIFE AND CONSERVATION MAGAZINE, produced by DBCA. It is a magazine devoted purely to Western Australia’s parks, wildlife and conservation. It aims to develop community awareness and appreciation of the State’s natural environment and biodiversity and promote community involvement in and support for its protection and conservation. Each beautifully designed, seasonal issue of LANDSCOPE features wonderful stories and articles written about parks, people, plants, animals, conservation, recreation, research, discoveries and so much more…all complemented with amazing photography.

LANDSCOPE is perfect for anyone interested in travel, camping, 4WDing, nature, the great outdoors or simply learning more about beautiful WA. Now in its 36th year, LANDSCOPE has won state, national and international awards for many things, including environmental journalism, communication, science writing, design and excellence in printing and production.

BTF members receive a 10% discount on the following:

  • LANDSCOPE Subscription
  • LANDSCOPE Gift Subscription
  • LANDSCOPE Subscription plus Calendar package
  • LANDSCOPE prints

If you are already a member and don’t have the discount code email us.

Here are some links to LANDSCOPE articles that can be downloaded:

Embracing biophilia: Prescribing nature in a pandemic

Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park – park feature

Star trek

Recovering from fire in a biodiversity hotspot

Not the Collie you know

Trails firing up Dwellingup

A hare in a tortoise race

William Bay National Park – park feature

What’s in a name – naming of national parks

Risky business