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Kids writing competition winners

Congratulations to our two winners:

‘A Hiking Adventure’ by Tanika Schoeman

‘Rocky Pool Trail Walk’ by Adayna Fozdar

It was extremely close between all entries so congratulations to you all!

Everyone will be receiving a small prize in the post over the next few weeks.

Thank you all for your participation we have greatly enjoyed reading all your adventures.

Below are the 4 top entries:

A Hiking Adventure

by Tanika Schoeman

We were walking along the Bibbulmun Track near Albany. It was a hot afternoon. We could smell the sea, but all we could see was the bush along the track. Dad was in the front. My sister and I were behind him and Mum was dreaming along at the back. We met a fisherman who told us that there was a whale stranded down at the beach.

It was very exciting. We decided to hurry along. Dad was panting. Cicadas were singing loudly. The sandy path winded up and down hills. I heard a rustle in the bushes. I wondered what it was.

Finally we were stumbling down the dune that would take us to the beach. I saw something in the distance. It was a big, black blob. We scurried along the shore. As we came closer, the blob started looking like a whale. I ran ahead. My feet were numb with cold from the icy sand and water. Would I be able to touch the whale?

At last I arrived. I was a bit scared and stood back. The others caught up to me.

“Wow!” said Dad.

My sister was gaping.

“Look at his eyes,” said Mum. The whale’s eyes were as black as the night.

At first we didn’t know whether it was alive. After some time we realised it was not. It was moving, but it was just the waves that were pushing its tail around. It had marks from where it had been washed up on the rocks. I was sad. Mum took a photograph. Guess what? I got to touch the whale! We stayed with the whale for a long time. I felt the scrapes on its body. We found the blowhole. It was tightly shut. The teeth were sharp and pointy. They were as big as my pinky. The skin was rough in places, but smooth in other places.

It was starting to get dark. It was time to go back. We had seen a beautiful whale.

“Goodbye, Whale. Thank you,” I said sadly.

We hurried back to the path and started walking along the track. The walk was uphill. We had to be quick, because it was getting dark. I pumped my arms hard, so I could go faster. I was sweating. Mum and dad were worn out. My sister asked for a drink. I was feeling so happy. I was sad the whale was dead, but happy we got to see it. In the trees I heard an owl hooting. Maybe it was a Boobook Owl.

When we arrived back at our tent, the stars were shining. We cooked sausages on the fire and went to bed early. That night we all slept well, listening to the sounds of the bush. Mostly it was quiet.

The next morning we carried on along the Bibbulemun track. We finished our walk and went home tired. We will always remember the day we saw and touched the whale.

Rocky Pool Trail Walk

By Adayna Fozdar

One sunny afternoon, the Fozdar family set off for a trail walk. This was our second attempt at this walk, because the first time we got a bit lost. But this time we didn’t because we parked at Jorgenson Park car park and followed the Bibbulmun Track signs to get to Rocky Pool. During the walk, we saw lots of beautiful wildflowers and lots of sticky brown mud. A funny moment was when Amin, my brother, stepped on some very stick and squishy mud. “It felt like my feet were sinking down and down and my brand new shoes got completely covered in mud”, Amin said.

The walk was very bumpy and sometimes very steep. But it was worth it in the end. Once we got there, we could see the Rocky Pool’s stream and the big towering rocks behind it. We dipped our feet in the stream. It was cold and refreshing. After that, we packed up and walked back to the car park. We drove home while watching the sunset.

I think this was a good walk in the end and I would recommend it for all family walks. ��

The Bibbulmun Track

by Rebekah

I love my visits to the Bibbulmun track. Our heavy packs are full, chucked in the boot and off we go…

We drive to the start and have a little play. The carpark is mostly gravel, but there is bush on both sides of the road, so we have an energetic play in the undergrowth.

Though the walks are exhausting, I still like going through the bush because I get to see all the native plants and sometimes blue-tongue lizards too. Along the track, there are enormous logs and rocks that we stop at to explore while we rest and snack. I love it when Mum hands out chocolate to give us ‘Chocolate Legs’! The chocolate makes me walk faster and gets me up the steep and tiring hills. Occasionally we pass a yellow Bibbulmun Track wagul. Sometimes we even have a little competition to see who spots a wagul first.

We get to the hut and I’m really happy. I always write in the hut book and have a well-deserved rest. When I feel lively again, I love to play on the rocks, the logs and amongst the grass trees and the gum trees as I explore the bush. I like to get charcoal all over my face. I search for witchetty grubs in all the dead grass trees that have fallen onto the leaf-covered ground. I like to gather sap from the grass trees which I melt over the fire or keep to trade with the other kids. I also collect long sticks to roast my sausages and marshmallows on. We keep an eye out for firewood to collect.

In the evenings, I like to help light the campfire with fire starters and firewood. Then we cook a dinner of couscous, peas and German sausages. Yum! Sometimes, as a treat, we roast scrumptious, marshmallows on the campfire for dessert. Burnt, gooey ones are extra yummy! We enjoy a warm cup of soup after dinner. We play Spotlight or 44-Home before we wrap up warm, snuggle up in our sleeping bags all toasty and ready for a good night’s sleep.

In the morning we eagerly light the fire and warm ourselves up – it’s always cold at that time of day! After we’ve had our breakfast and packed up our belongings, the day warms up and we have our last play. Now it’s time to heave on our packs.

Once again we make our way down the track. As we get closer to the car, I start to look forward to going home.

Back in the carpark, we say goodbye to our friends and head off on the bumpy road leading home.

Yay! Home Sweet Home. I take off my sweaty boots, have a shower and wash my hair. That night I am happy to be back home, clean and warm in my very own bed.

What a great weekend away!

I’m looking forward to my next Bibbulmun Track adventure already!

The Bibbulman Track

By Jessica Gauntlett

The Bibbulman Track is in the middle of no-where; It has

A charred black forest, a boiling hot sun, a 3 sided hut, a long drop toilet

That always has spiders on its seat and is even home to the weirdest wildlife that I always search for.

My siblings, friends and I do what happy kids do, making cubbies out of sticks and leaves, warming our hands by the crackling fire, waking up to fog surrounding the valley, prowling around in the dark playing spotlight and carving weapons with our pocket knives.

Bringing home souvenirs of the bush.