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Great Wall Trek – China 2012

Visiting the Great Wall of China is on many people’s to do list; as one of the seven wonders of the world and the longest man made structure ever built, it’s not surprising that so many people count this feat of ancient architecture as a must see destination. Although the myth about the wall being visible from the moon has been busted, you can still see it the old fashioned way, with your own eyes and in 2012 you can see it with the Bibbulmun Track Foundation!

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation has joined forces with World Expeditions to put together a fantastically diverse 10-day trip exploring the Great Wall of China and the fascinating & cultural city of Beijing. Escorted by our Events Manager and Lead Guide, Steve Sertis, the trek takes in a remote section of the Great Wall, outside Beijing in Hebei Province, trekking through tall swaying corn cropped fields to distant green river valleys, all with one of the great wonders of the world as a backdrop.

In Beijing you will visit the capital’s major historical sites and the famous Chinese cuisine will not be overlooked while exploring this fascinating region. We know this will be a popular tour so book now to secure your place.

Our sponsor, World Expeditions will kindly donate $100 to the Bibbulmun Track Foundation for every participant that books on the tour.

Tour 1 Dates: 18th – 28th April 2012
Tour 2 Dates: 2nd – 12th May 2012

For more information email Learna at World Expeditions or phone her on 9486 9899.