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Field Days resume

The first 2020 ‘Field Day’ for maintenance volunteers was held in the Perth Hills on June 14. Field Days originally scheduled for locations on the south coast in May were postponed due to COVID-19, so this was the first opportunity for our maintenance coordinators and volunteers to get out onto the Track and make some improvements.

One of our Support Volunteers Geoff Meates first provided instruction in erosion control. Building an earthen structure called a ‘rolling grade dip’ is now the preferred method of diverting water off the Track to reduce ongoing erosion (instead of the traditional and simpler timber or earth water bars). A group of volunteers then accompanied Geoff to install erosion control along a stretch of Track running through Jorgensen Park. There were lots of families and dogs out enjoying the fine weather and our team received some appreciative comments.

At Hewetts Hill campsite the rest of the group spent the day giving the campsite and surrounds a clean up – such as re-oiling the shelter and toilet cladding and picnic table, sanding and varnishing the bed platforms, clearing tent sites and fixing some broken plumbing.

With the easing of social and travel restrictions, the chance to reconnect with other volunteers and ‘give back’ to the Track was appreciated by all!

The Field Day schedule continues over the next few months, with work groups at Yourdamung campsite this weekend (4 July), Schafer campsite on August 22, West Cape Howe campsite on September 12 and William Bay campsite on September 13.