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Deafblind Trekkers to Tackle Track

Five deaf blind trekkers are in training to walk the Bibbulmun Track next year to raise awareness and funds for Usher Syndrome. The five, all living with the same debilitation dual sensory loss and preparing for the challenge of a lifetime includes Halls Head woman Sharyn Mitchell.

After some recent short sessions in Kings Park, they took to the Bibbulmun Track for the first time, getting a real taste of what they will face when they set out next year.

The five inspiring trekkers all have Usher Syndrome, a degenerative condition that results in an isolating combination of vision and hearing loss and it is believed to be the first time a group of people with vision and hearing impairment have tackled the Track.

For more information or to donate, visit Defying Adversity at www.defyingadversity.com