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Changing the Workplace Game: The Bibbulmun Track Virtual Hike Challenge



‘The Bibbulmen’ team topped the leaderboard out of the 14 teams from Perth Magistrates Court.

In the ever-evolving world of workplace wellness and engagement, businesses and organisations continually seek fresh ways to cultivate their teams.

As part of its 25th Anniversary celebrations, the Bibbulmun Track Foundation challenged people to undertake a virtual hike of the Bibbulmun Track and keep pace with a group of hikers walking from end-to-end.

Over 440 people took part with teams from all over Australia and overseas taking part in the fun. By logging their steps the teams progressed along a virtual map discovering 32 milestones with captivating photos and vivid descriptions that brought the 1000-kilometre Track to life.

Feedback from participants has been excellent and we’re delighted to share the impact it had on employees at the Perth Magistrates Court.

“The Perth Magistrates Court (PMC) embarked on an exhilarating journey through the Bibbulmun Track Virtual Hike Challenge, featuring 14 enthusiastic teams vying for the coveted top position!

This spirited competition sparked an unprecedented surge of activity within the courthouse stairwells as participants eagerly climbed stairs instead of taking the lift, in the hopes of climbing the leaderboard ranks.

For the dedicated staff at the PMC, keeping an eye on the Big Team Challenge leaderboards became an engrossing, borderline obsessive hourly ritual.

Many employees integrated ‘lunchtime walks’ into their daily routines, a rewarding habit that has persevered past the challenge for many, exemplifying the positive outcomes this challenge has brought to the organisation and its staff.

The triumphant team, ‘The Bibbulmen,’ attested that while the competition was fierce, it fostered a remarkable sense of camaraderie among their own members and even with their rivals. Late-night messages exchanged among teammates and competitors often playfully boasted about the day’s step count achievements.

In summary, the Bibbulmun Track Virtual Hike Challenge proved to be an extraordinary triumph at the PMC. Anticipation is already building for next year’s competition, as everyone eagerly awaits another exhilarating journey.”

Vidiyan Ravindran, A/ Manager, Judicial Support, Perth Magistrates Court

Expand the Adventure to Your Business

We invite you to infuse your workplace with a spirit of adventure, teamwork, and wellness through this unique fitness challenge. The virtual hike is a fun and engaging way to unite your employees, regardless of their locations. It fosters camaraderie, and friendly competition while promoting fitness.

Learn more about implementing the Bibbulmun Track Virtual Hike Challenge as your next team-building initiative – and bring the adventure to your organisation or workplace!

Email friends@bibbulmuntrack.org.au for more information.

Supported by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.