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Bibbulmun Track Foundation support Take The Challenge

More than 1400 South West students took up the challenge during Term 2 to be active, drink lots of water, eat healthy foods and learn how to prevent beat disease.

Students received points as they completed 15-minute blocks of physical activity and were given map stickers to show their progress along virtual tracks that included the Bibbulmun Track, travelling around Australia and tracing whale migration along the West Australian coast

Teachers who took part in Take the Challenge said they enjoyed the experience and now felt more confident in teaching health lifestyle lessons.

Many teachers said they were pleased to see students involving themselves in more physical activity and eating more fruit and vegetables than usual.

A panel of representatives from WA Country Health Service awarded prizes in six categories using a detailed scoring system.

The winners of the Bibbulmun Track merchandise was Red Radish Runners Year 5/6 from Boyup Brook District High School.

Congratulations to all the students who participated. The Bibbulmun Track Foundation are proud to support this healthy challenge for all young people.