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Annual Donnelly Field Day

Saturday saw the annual Donnelly Field Day take over Tom Road Campsite, where 13 willing volunteers and Macca from DBCA carried out several tasks in and around the campsite. Several vollies arrived Friday night, welcomed by several groups of walkers, so they enjoyed the patter of rain on tents throughout the night in preparation for the day ahead. The rest arrived early the next morning, ready for action.

The principal task was the construction of a new step between the shelter and the table and fire pit, removing the small slope which could be a slip hazard. The team also incorporated a seating area next to the fire pit – which should be a highly sought-after luxury after a long day on the Track. The team also constructed a new tent site to assist the growing popularity of the section.

The toilet, shelter, and tables received a new coat of oil, gutters were cleaned, all steps and trails in the campsite received some infill of gravel and woodchips, and the signage received a new coat of paint.

A small group also joined Macca to clear and repair a nearby bridge and relocate a track sign to a more visible location.

Everyone pitched in during the day, you can view all the photos from the event here – well done to all.