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Adventure Raffle ticket sales reach $25,000

Our Foundation members have been key in ensuring our Adventure raffle is a huge success with ticket sales reaching $25,000. There are still lots of books to be returned and tickets are still available online, priced at only $5 a ticket.

Every dollar raised from the raffle will go back into the upkeep of the Track to ensure that it is kept free and in world-class condition for you and future generations to enjoy. We appreciate your support.

Thank you to our sponsors for generously donating the prizes.

1st Prize – World Expeditions six-day Kakadu and Beyond tour for two people – valued at $4390.

2nd Prize – $3,000 Mountain Designs gift voucher.

3rd Prize – Bibbulmun South Coast Escape for two staying at Cape Howe Cottages valued at $1500.

4th Prize – $1,500 Sea to Summit gift voucher.

All sold/unsold books need to be back by 5th June, 2013.