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2022 Tales from other Trails Annual Members’ Night

On Thursday the 22 September, over 80 BTF members and guests came along to Leederville Sports Club to hear two passionate members share their experiences and photographs of two overseas trails.

Our first speaker was Ben Dickinson, who hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, a 2650-mile footpath from the US / Mexico border to Canada, in 2019. His journey took him through deserts, high alpine regions, forests, and three hospitals. Ben talked about his journey, the gear that he carried, and the mishaps he experienced along the way.

Our second presenter, Mike Wood, is a Board Member and volunteer guide.  Mike led a group of West Australian over 19 days along the 315km Wainwright’s Coast to Coast walk in the UK. The walk passes through the rugged hills and remote, beautiful lakes of the Lake District, wends its way through farming valleys of the Yorkshire Dales and on to the wind-swept beaches on either side of the country.

Thanks to both Ben and Mike for sharing their adventures and photographs with us.   We received lots of positive feedback from the audience and we look forward to having more Tales from other Trails next year.

It was great to have three of our sponsors, Anaconda, Small Things Wine, and Paddy Pallin at this presentation. Lots of people had a sample of the yummy wine range and got to try out various hiking equipment.  A big thank you to the sponsors for the wonderful door prizes and lucky answer prize give-aways.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Annual Tales from other Trails night!