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2013 Adventure raffle tickets now available

The not-for-profit Bibbulmun Track Foundation relies on membership, sponsorship, revenue from events, merchandise and fundraising initiatives like the Adventure Raffle to enable us to do what we do best: maintain the Track and its facilities.

Prizes include a World Expeditions Kakadu holiday for two, $3,000 Mountain Designs Voucher, a Bibbulmun South Coast escape for two staying at the luxurious Cape Howe Cottages and a $1,500 voucher from Sea to Summit for all your outdoor gear.

100% of funds from the raffle will be used to help us ensure that this wonderful experience is available for you and future generations to enjoy.

Tickets are $5 each and come in books of five. They can be purchased online or contact us for a book(s) to sell to your friends and family.